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Failure to provide assistance after a road accident: a woman sentenced – The Guide

After causing a road accident in which two cars were involved which collided head-on in the Carassone hamlet, she did not stop and did not provide aid to the occupants of the two vehicles who were injured in the collision; for this reason HL, a young woman of Moroccan origins, had been sent to trial before the Cuneo court for the accident that occurred in May 2021 and which was talked about a lot in the city because in order to identify the person responsible, they had also placed appeals in local newspapers. When the military showed up at her house and still found signs of the impact on the bodywork of her car, the woman confessed everything, saying she was panicked. One of the two ladies involved in the accident was stuck inside the car and the intervention of the fire brigade was necessary to get her out of the passenger compartment. Subsequently, both women were compensated by the insurance but the criminal implications remained against the woman who, according to the testimonies of those present, did not stop at the scene of the accident and did not provide any aid to the two injuries. “He did not stop except for a few minutes, a time not suitable for implementing the conduct required by law – the public prosecutor Alessandro Borgotallo said in the courtroom – and that is to make himself identifiable, provide assistance and call the police. Instead he did something completely different, calling her brother who, according to the statements of one of the two injured women, also threatened them not to report anything to the military. The accused on her part had also admitted that she had read the newspapers and knew that they were looking for her.” According to the prosecution, the investigation was then made more complicated by the testimony of the accused’s brother and of a woman who lived nearby and who, knowing the accused, in an attempt to exonerate her, had told the judge a completely different version than what happened and reported by the other witnesses. For this reason, in asking for the accused to be sentenced to ten months in prison, he had also requested the transmission of the documents to the Prosecutor’s Office to verify the existence of the crime of perjury for these two witnesses. For defense lawyer Sara Ambrassa, however, the last witness called by the judge had objectively clarified that her client had stopped at the scene of the accident and she had not immediately run away. In fact, the witness reported that she had been forced to stop the car because the road was blocked: “There were people watching but no one had called for help yet and I did it. There were the two ladies in the crashed cars and a little further down another car with a young woman next to it.” As regards the accusation of failure to help, the lawyer appealed to the fact that one of the two women had gotten out of the car alone while the other was stuck in the passenger compartment and it was necessary to wait for help, which in fact arrived from there. little by little. The reconstruction, however, partially convinced the judge who accepted the request for acquittal regarding the accusation of not stopping after the accident, but sentenced the woman to eight months for failure to help, with a suspended sentence and one year of license suspension (archive image).

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