Italy 24 Press News

the theft under the eyes of cameras and passers-by

Some masked thieves managed to steal a BMW parked in the industrial area of ​​Modugno in broad daylight. The screams of a passerby asking to alert the police were of no avail.

In a few moments some hooded thieves managed to take away one BMW parked in the industrial area of ​​Modugno in broad daylight, first going in reverse and then pushing it forward with another car. The theft occurred in a few seconds in broad daylight while a passer-by, realizing what was happening, he asked for help. “Call the police,” the man shouted in vain.

Nothing to do though, because the thieves they managed to move the luxury car “hitting” it several times with another car which pushed it forward until the criminals managed to start it. It is not the first time that a theft has taken place in this way in Puglianor is it the first time that the whole scene takes place in broad daylight under the eyes of the cameras.

The video in fact went viral on the internet in a very short time, even if for the moment there is no trace of the thieves in balaclavas. What is striking about the story and above all about what was captured by the cameras is the indifference of the thieves despite the screams of the passerby. The criminals, in fact, did not mention any attempt to escape in the face of the desperation of the man on foot and completed the theft without striking a blow. No other witnesses obviously alerted the police anyway they would have intervened too late compared to the theft that was occurring at that precise moment.

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All that remains is to investigate the matter in an attempt to trace the identity of the people involved in the theft of the car. The operations were made further complicated by the fact that the thieves were wearing a balaclava so as not to be recognised. Whoever is investigating, however, could be helped by the unusual (however courageous) choice to act in broad daylight, albeit with his face covered.

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