Italy 24 Press News

Dinamo Gorizia flies to Sardinia for the Serie B dream, return to Cividale • Il Goriziano

The anticipation is growing for the first of the basketball Serie C playoff matches to gain access to the Interregional B. In the end, Dinamo Gorizia will have to deal with Sennori and the first match will be in Sardinia, challenging Pallacanestro Sennori in Torres. The Juventus team will therefore leave on Thursday by plane from Ronchi dei Legionari airport, to reach Cagliari where there will be three minibuses waiting for the players and staff. From there, we will go up the entire island to arrive in the town near Sassari.

The kick-off will be for Saturday 8th June at 7pm, in front of a sports hall that promises to be already packed with 1200 seats. «We will have around fifty fans following us – explains the president, Tiziano Palumbo – who will mainly arrive in Olbia on Saturday. We are excited and confident, we have prepared well for the challenge.” Arriving on site well in advance will allow the basketball players to settle in as early as Friday, with two training sessions on the parquet and further refinement on Saturday morning. Then it will be a two-hander, trying to score a big hit.

Hundreds of Gorizia fans will be supporting their players remotely, who will be able to follow the live broadcast – broadcast freely on YouTube by the Sport House channel – from giant screen that will be set up at Stella Matutina. If the weather is mild, everything will be set up in the outdoor area, otherwise inside the gym. This, however, will not host the return match next week (given its small size), but rather the Gesteco Arena in Cividale which already hosts the A2 matches of the local United Eagles, with its 2760 seats.

The Friulian plant was rented for the occasion, in advance the node of spaces if the club succeeds in the undertaking to win promotion to Serie B. For now, however, the problem remains in the background, leaving room for the adrenaline for a highly anticipated event in the city and beyond. «We count on the support of fans from across the province – highlights Palumbo – but in this context we represent the entire region», thus hoping to see the stadium full for what could be the decisive match on June 15th.

Tickets for the return match have already been on sale since yesterday, while today a friendly match will be held between Dinamo and the United Eagles themselves right in Cividale. Coupons for the local public will also be made available here, while other training sessions are expected next week right here. At Stella Matutina, you can buy from today to Friday from 10.30 to 12.30 and from 17.30 to 20.30, Saturday only in the morning. Same times also for the following week, until the Saturday of the challenge. “It will be a nice environment” concludes the president.

Photo Photonomiracles

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