Italy 24 Press News

Cremona Sera – Voting as a right and duty, to decide in which future we will live in the city, in the province and in Europe

Elections will be held in many municipalities of our Province of Cremona on 8 and 9 June, together with the European elections.

The CGIL of Cremona considers the election of the mayor a fundamental opportunity to exercise the right to vote and affirm the rights of work and the dignity of people. Voting is not just a right, but a civic duty of each of us.

The direction our territory will take will be decided with the polls, the new European parliament will be designed with the polls. With the vote, we are therefore called to decide what future we want, for our province and for the European Union.

In Cremona we need social models that encourage participation, counteracting fears and promoting social inclusion. A Labor Pact is needed, inspired by the experience of the Pact signed by the Municipality of Milan in 2022, which deals with work, welfare, sustainable development and a culture of inclusion. These issues must be the priorities for the future mayor, who will have to engage in constant dialogue with the social partners, or with those who, in a context of great change with new technologies, and the many challenges he will have to face, represent the world of Work.

Particular attention must be paid to welfare and social-health protection. It is essential to forcefully reject any attempt at privatization and reduction of public services, threatened by the logic of profit. A system that today is increasingly transforming the universal right to care into a privilege for the few.

We need to increase the levels of social benefits for the weakest sections of the population, such as the elderly, minors, families and young people, ensuring a strong government and clear public planning of interventions. Whoever governs must have equality as a basic principle, as provided for in Article 3 of our Anti-Fascist Constitution and Article 2 which recognizes and guarantees the inviolable rights of man.

Not just the municipalities. The European elections constitute an event of extraordinary importance. The European Parliament is the only government institution of the European Union democratically elected by the citizens. From its formation will derive the general political direction that the entire continent will follow in the next five years. Faced with great global challenges, the economic, social and cultural model we want to build will be determined.

For this reason, our first appeal goes to citizens to participate and consciously vote for their representatives in the European Parliament.

We need a Europe that creates a new model of development, harmonious and inclusive between its different regions and that is able to simultaneously address climate, environmental and social challenges. We need a Europe that redistributes well-being and wealth, guaranteeing opportunities and dignity for those who study, those who work and those who are retired and which overcomes gender gaps. With new technologies and increasingly present artificial intelligence, it is necessary to guarantee a development model that protects work and improves conditions for everyone.

We need a Europe of peace. A European Union that finds an autonomous and defined role in international affairs, reaffirming its capacity for diplomatic action to re-establish strong multilateral relations and promote peace as a primary objective, renouncing, once and for all, war as a tool for resolving disputes , as our Constitution reminds us in article 11.

For this reason, the CGIL offers citizens, associations, civil society entities, business entities and political forces involved in the electoral campaign its reflections on the Europe we want. A Europe that knows how to respond to the needs of the present and build a sustainable future for all.

General secretary of CGIL Cremona

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