Italy 24 Press News

Pnrr. Management training course in FVG with 103 candidates. Anaao Assomed Fvg: “Unions bypassed”, and the warning goes out

Agenas has given a mandate to the Region to organize the training course financed with Pnrr funds, but the union denounces the total lack of publicity and transparency in the procedure for selecting the trainees: “From here, the request for notification and warning to understand if and how legal and collective bargaining obligations were respected”. THE WARNING

04 JUN – As part of the Pnrr projects, an intervention has been envisaged for the development of the skills of healthcare personnel and, in the case raised by Anaao Assomed Fvg, concerns the measure relating to a managerial training course. The Ministry and, on its behalf, Agenas, have asked the Region to implement it. Having seized this opportunity, the list of 103 names was subsequently approved with the regional decree of 20 December last, cited in the warning from Anaao Assomed’s lawyer.

From the same decree – we read again in the request for notification and warning – it emerges that with a note from Agenas in December the favorable opinion was communicated in relation to the candidatures proposed by the Region for a total of 103 students. In this whole operation, however, the Trade Unions. they remained in the dark about it, and besides them what Anaao Assomed Fvg denounces all the potential medical managers involved.

“The story of the management training course managed in the reserved rooms of the Central Health Directorate and of the strategic Directorates of the Companies, with the ouster of the interested parties, in our opinion – explains the regional secretary Anaao Assomed, Massimo Tosto – makes effective discussion with those called to manage regional healthcare even more difficult”.

“For some years we have been living in a context of extreme difficulty for the NHS – continues Tosto – characterized by a phenomenon that has never occurred before, such as the abandonment of public healthcare facilities by a growing number of professionals. Now unsustainable working conditions, impossibility of reconciling private life and work, devalued wages, lack of valorisation of professionals, are the main reasons for what is happening. And while all institutional parties are talking about the strategic importance of human resources, we are witnessing decisions and measures that humiliate those who still remain in their jobs”.

The warning from Annao Assomed Fvgforwarded to the Central Health Directorate, has the aim of understanding through access to the documents whether and how the tender was advertised according to the usual transparency practices.

“Instead, it appears that the equal conditions of the personnel concerned such as all the medical managers and union participation have been violated – concludes the secretary Anaao Assomed Fvg – and that this selection was made in violation of the rules of impartiality and good performance and therefore, as far as we know, in violation of correctness and good faith. We are awaiting the paperwork and the advertising process that the Central Health Directorate had to adopt in any case, even though we have received authorization from Agenas”.

Endrius Salvalaggio

04 June 2024
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