Italy 24 Press News

Pain for Mattia and Leonardo who died in the Il Tirreno motorbike accident

GROSSETO. It was a Monday full of pain for those they loved and knew Mattia Cappellani, eighteen year old student from Pomonte, e Leonardo Di Marte, 38 years old, electrician from Preselle, died in a head-on motorbike collision on provincial road 156, which occurred on Sunday morning, around 9.30.

While waiting for burial authorization from the magistrate, his schoolmates and friends wanted to be close to the family. Yesterday the desk was empty, like the sense that the companions experience. Yesterday they were at the entrance to the gates of the Manetti Porciatti technological center. They put up two banners on the external railing: “Hi Mattia, have a good trip 5EN” and “Forever with us. Mattia lives.” They decide to go up to class, in the 5EN on the third floor of the building in Via Brigate Partigiane. Some of them are holding a bouquet of white roses and daisies which they are placing on the bench occupied for an entire year by their unfortunate companion. Two phrases are written with a black marker: “Ciao Tamarro” and “Have a good trip Cappe”.

Then as they entered, they exit and go to the morgue to be close to him one last time. «We are experiencing a drama – is the comment of the head teacher Claudio Simoni – The whole Institute was strongly shaken by what happened. Commenting on these events is unnatural. Losing an 18 year old, son, brother, partner or student is shocking. We have just remembered another of our students and today we return to mourn a broken young life.”

The whole school is close to the family and today at noon sharp he will be remembered with a minute of silence. And this, Professor Simoni suggests, will be only the first of a series of initiatives to remember Cappellani. Mattia, for many an ideal son, never over the top, attentive and acute, capable of deep and serious reasoning that you don’t expect from a boy of his age, in a few days he would have obtained his diploma, then to celebrate the goal achieved, he would have left to participate in Erasmus in Ireland, and then undertake university studies, such was his passion for Mechanics.

Former teammates from Cinigiano and Granducato also met at the morgue, friends from the Eighth Zone, to whom he was dedicating his free time, in view of the Leonardo di Marte festival in Spadino. The Maggerini group from Istia d’Ombrone remembered Leo with images that recall the carefree and beautiful moments of his life; shots that they would like to never fade and with which to reiterate and shout out an intimate and profound bond, broken too soon by a mocking, cynical and blind destiny. «Hi Leo, we want to remember you like this – they write – as always smiling, with a joke for everyone, with your desire to party. You leave us empty inside but with a smile in your memory. You have always been stubborn in your decisions but always a great friend to everyone. Your Giacomo, Renzo, Lorenzo”.

Citizen mourning

The accident on Sunday morning, in Preselle, before arriving at Carletta, also deeply affected the Scansanese municipal administration. The mayor, her council and the councilors have expressed their will «as a sign of respect and participation in the profound pain of the families and friends, to institute citizen mourning in conjunction with the funeral ceremonies, as soon as the dates have been identified, asking the citizens , institutions and owners of productive activities to express their condolences by participating, in the ways they deem most appropriate, in the citizen’s mourning”. The mayor Maria Bice Ginesi in the moment of such strong pain, makes her voice heard, asking for strict controls on the Via Scansanese: «Two more deaths – writes the first citizen – two young lives burned on our roads which, we all know, especially on weekends they become tracks where motorcyclists engage in real competitions at crazy speeds where the limit is 50/70 kilometers per hour. On behalf of the municipal administration and all the citizens, I ask that the Police and Carabinieri intensify their checks, especially on Saturdays and Sundays, that they stop them and fine them, and if necessary, seize the vehicles to check if they are in order. At stake are not only the lives of our children but also the safety and security of innocent motorists who suddenly find themselves in front of them and risk being involved in inevitable accidents.”


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