Italy 24 Press News

Sardinia, tragedy along State Road 131: Lince military vehicle overturns, one soldier dies

Accident on State Road 131 in the Oristano area, Sardinia, where a Lynx military vehicle it suddenly overturned, causing the death of one of the men in uniform it was carrying on board. Emergency services rushed to the scene, and checks are now underway to try to understand what happened. Meanwhile, the other soldier traveling in the light armored vehicle was rushed to hospital.

The reconstruction

According to what has been reported so far, the episode occurred today, Monday 3 June, around 5.00 pm. Apparently two military stationed in Teulada they were traveling aboard a Lince, a new generation light armored vehicle produced by Iveco Defense Vehicles of Bolzano, along state road 131, when the unforeseeable happened. The vehicle, headed to Olbia to be boarded, suddenly broke down invertedending up crushing one of the soldiers.

The emergency call was immediately called. The health workers of 118, the firefighters, the traffic police officers and the Anas technicians reached the site of the accident, identified at km 102, in the municipality of Tramatza (Oristano). Unfortunately, nothing could be done for the soldier who ended up under the heavy vehicle. The man, a 45-year-old resident of Sant’Anna Arresi, in southern Sardinia, lost his life due to the very serious injuries he sustained. The rescuers were only able to observe the death. As for the other comrade, a 47-year-old man, he was transferred under code red to the emergency room of the Brotzu hospital in Cagliari, where he is in serious condition.

Road Closed

Naturally the trait of State Highway 131, also known as the “Carlo Felice”, was closed in the direction of Sassari to allow rescue operations to operate and police officers to carry out initial investigations. At the moment the traffic towards Sassari “it was diverted at km 99 on the coplanar East while the traffic towards Cagliari was diverted at km 104.500 on the coplanar West”was communicated by Anas.

Investigators are working to search

to reconstruct the dynamics of the terrible accident. According to the latest revelations, the vehicle would have overturned following thetire explosionwhich would have made the Lince lose grip.

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