Italy 24 Press News

Agriculture and water emergency: Meeting between Giovanazzo and farmers in Isola

An important open meeting between the administration was held in recent days

municipality, in the person of the Mayor Maria Grazia Vittimberga and the Councillor

Agriculture Gaetano Muto, and the regional manager Giacomo Giovinazzo.

The Extraordinary Commissioner of the Consorzio Unico di Bonifica, recently appointed as Commissioner of Arcea, arrived in Isola at the invitation of the Mayor and the Councilor to discuss, together with the farmers, the delicate water problem that continues to affect farmers in the area.

Councilor Gaetano Muto, very close to the agricultural sector, was very keen on this meeting to give answers to farmers and seek immediate solutions to save crops. The Mayor underlined how the imminent start of work on the new Lago – Drinking Water pipeline will also bring a clear improvement in supply to agriculture, considering that less and less will be drawn on the Consortium’s pipelines to meet the needs of homes. Councilor Gaetano Muto asked the Region for quicker responses during emergencies and greater closeness to farmers, at the same time Giovinazzo reiterated his full availability underlining that the problems of this period are due to the works on the lake. In this regard, the Giovinazzo himself underlined that the lake will be fully functional within a few days. He also promised his commitment to guarantee greater releases from the A2A and Reclamation Consortium, underlining however that the water emergency throughout the Region is still a live problem.

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