Italy 24 Press News

Summit on downy mildew, Cianci: «Yet another meeting ended without any certainty»

«No certainties from the meeting with Marcus Marsilio and Emanuele Imprudente». The theme is that of the table requested by 50 Abruzzo mayors from the Region to discuss aid for local wineries damaged by the downy mildew. The first citizens signed a document in this regard in recent weeks and today met the regional president and the deputy at the headquarters of the Pescara Chamber of Commerce.

Paola Cianci

The councilor for Agriculture of Vasto, Paola Cianci, who spoke on behalf of Francesco Menna, judged the session negatively: «It was a meeting that ended once again without any certainty for the Abruzzo winemakers who pay a high price for huge damages amounting to approximately 200 million euros. The actions being completed aimed at reducing interest rates on loans and suspending those on mortgages already taken out were illustrated. All this cannot be enough to satisfy the needs of the approximately 15 thousand farmers in a short and certain time. For this reason, the intervention of the national government was requested to compensate the damaged companies with non-repayable contributions. We hope that the regional government of the same political color as Meloni’s will make its voice heard for the good of the rural economy of our territory.”

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