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Fiorentina, Palladino arriving: then many new faces

Raffaele Palladino coach of Fiorentina. Maybe not official, or maybe yes, but it is what is expected today with elements that give strength to the handover from Vincenzo Italiano to the Campania technician. The new direction on the Viola bench after three seasons, a seventh and two eighth places in the league, an Italian Cup final and two Conference League finals, but also with a farewell that was with tears of disappointment and not of joy as everyone hoped : it is the legacy for Palladino, together with a group that has nevertheless acquired identity and awareness, thanks above all to the Italy-Europe combination with three matches a week for many months. Group which will be modified and corrected, disassembled and reassembled also according to the indications of the soon-to-be former Monza coach. Always to avoid sensational about-faces by one of the two parties.

Fiorentina, Palladino arrives

Which are not conceivable or foreseen, much less announced, and in fact we are back to the beginning: if today goes as it should go, it is possible that there will be a concrete update to what happened last Friday, that is Palladino at the Santa Maria Novella station arriving from Milan to meet with Commissohit and run in Florence necessary to bring forward by a few hours the return of the number one of the Viola club to the United States without having taken a position on the hard note of the Curva Fiesole: the Ferrari general director and the sporting director Pradè will probably think about that tomorrow in a still unofficial press conference and which could be useful in announcing Roberto Goretti as the new technical director in place of Nicolas Burdisso, until yesterday in Bergamo for Atalanta-Fiorentina, obviously in his place but already destined to leave Florence. And, it must be reiterated, it could be the right opportunity to add certainties to the Palladino’s signature: signing on a two-year contract that will expire in June 2026 with a possible option of another year in favor of the club. More than the terms to be defined, which in any case will not differ much from these in the end, what matters now is the substance of the story. That is, what matters is that Fiorentina and Palladino say yes to each other after having promised each other since the beginning of April: signals, indications, contacts and finally the meeting all lead in this direction, but it is a time of changes in many other clubs in our Serie A and the viola company knows that it is required to close within a short time frame so as not to be faced with unpleasant surprises to deal with. To be clear, Lazio likes Palladino, and not only that, even if Lazio has a coach for now.

Fiorentina, many new faces

Today we will know if there will be an acceleration up to and around the signature, then at that point the new course will begin in all respects. And as such it will have an impact on the construction of the team group: revolutions are to be ruled out, but many changes and many different faces at the reopening of Viola Park for the training camp in July certainly will. When they don’t come back Arthur, Maxime Lopez, Belotti and Pharaohsi.e. the loans that fall within the base, and it is unlikely that there will be any Bonaventura, Duncan, Castrovilli and Kouame, that is, the four who will complete their contract in Viola on 30 June, even if Fiorentina has just exercised the option to renew the Ivorian’s contract for another year (very loyal to the Italian). Then, it will be a matter of choices: incoming (a centre-forward, a couple of attacking full-backs, a playmaker, a attacking midfielder, a central defender, the priorities) and output, and in this second case it depends a lot on the offers that arrive for the various Ikoné, Nzola, Barak, Infantino, Christensen, in short, those who will go on the market. Maybe even Nico Gonzalez.


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