Italy 24 Press News

Gas mains fault. Reconnect the first utilities

Gas mains fault. Reconnect the first utilities

Monday 03 June – 18:57

The water enters the gas pipes and causes a breakdown in the city center distribution network, it happened yesterday, the first interventions were immediate and lasted until the night, to reactivate the supplies safely in the shortest possible time, around 1,500 the users involved. A thousand families are involved, but there are also commercial users. Many restaurants today have their shutters down, Novareti technicians are working tirelessly to reactivate utilities within the same day in the area that goes from via Grazioli and via Zara to piazza Venezia. For the area of ​​the historic center affected by the fault, caused by water entering the gas pipes, timely checks continue to identify the areas in which to intervene, with possible effects on the traffic of the city centre, which will eventually be indicated. In the city, five construction sites have already been activated in the historic center and others will be open for verification operations, with 11 teams already at work. Already in the late evening in zone 1, that of via Venezia, 50 percent of the utilities had already been reactivated by Novareti technicians. In the remaining homes the operation, which consists of an intervention dedicated to each individual meter, has not yet been completed only because there was no one at home. In zone 2, that of via Grazioli, via Zara and neighboring streets, 10 percent of the utilities have so far been reactivated, but even in this case the percentage is destined to rise as people return home from work. In zone 3, that of the historic center, the lowest in terms of altitude, reclamation operations are still underway and have continued unabated today. From the first evaluations it seems that the times for the reactivation of utilities in this area too will be less long than expected. For specific information, the toll-free number 800289423 is active.

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