Italy 24 Press News

Platek in the city: the meeting with Macia on Tuesday, the renewal of D’Angelo during the week

Philip Platek he is traveling to Italy and will arrive in La Spezia this evening ready to kick off a very intense week which will lay the foundations for Spezia’s 2024-2025 season. The American president returns to Italy a few months after the last time, just a few days after the presentation of phase three of the Picco stadium renovation project, which concerns the coverage of the Curva Ferrovia. Platek will meet the director of the technical area tomorrow, Tuesday, in Via Melara Eduardo Macia, with which the starting point for the construction of next season’s team will be traced. Among the topics on the agenda of the meeting is the appointment of the sporting director, for which he is still in the running Stefano Melissano, whose contract expires at the end of the month. Melissano has not yet received an official extension offer from the club, which is evaluating what to do and which with the arrival of the president will want to dispel any doubts and make a final decision on the man who will support Macia for the summer transfer market .

But the meeting for the sporting director will only be the first step of a rather intense week for the American president. In fact, he is expected at the office mid-week Luca D’Angelo, who after returning to La Spezia a few days ago with the meeting with Eduardo Macia, is ready to return to base to talk with the club’s number one. The meeting will serve to put pen to paper on the two-year renewal of the Abruzzo coach, the foundations of which have already been laid out in the last meeting with the director of the technical area. Once the renewal has been signed, with D’Angelo and Macia Platek will also begin to delve into transfer market issues, with the redemption of Adam Nagy at the top of the list and with the first steps to be taken ready to be defined to strengthen a competitive Spezia that continue along the growth path traced last January, which allowed the team to secure salvation on the last day against Venezia.

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