Italy 24 Press News

Electric cars? Here are the reasons not to buy them according to Roberto Parodi: “You spend a lot and…”. And on pollution, charging, prices, autonomy, the network and China… – MOW

But how much is it worth it (if it is worth it) to buy an electric car today? According to Roberto Parodi, who assures “I am not against the fact that electric cars also exist”, it is not worth much, or rather not at all: “Spend a lot and…”. Here are the reasons why Parods does not recommend purchasing an EV

LAnd electric cars they are still struggling to break into the market, especially the Italian one, and indeed, the numbers even seem to be decreasing more and more. The problems in this sector are many, and it is precisely for this reason that for Roberto Parodijournalist and television presenter, it seems advise against purchasing an Ev (electric vehicle). With one of his usual, and very followed, videos on Instagram The Parodsthis is the name by which he is known on social media, analyzes (once again) the current situation in the world of electricityand ensures first of all don’t want to argueand then, as a mechanical engineer and not as a politician, that I am not “against the fact that electric cars also exist, I’m against it – he claims – to the fact that they are considered the only solution to public mobility”. With this premise, therefore, Parodi begins yet another of his invectives, if it can be defined as such, against electrification. “First thing – he begins -, the charging network is increasing, but is still insufficient. Making long and frequent trips – he continues -, for work, a problem remains. Especially if you have to stop in poorly served areas, you will find yourself under stress, anxiety, okay?”. To tell the truth, the issue of autonomy in recent years has perhaps been one of the biggest deterrents that has held back motorists from embracing the full-electric cause. In any case, the journalist continues, “second, charging from home only makes sense for the lucky few who can install a wallbox or live in the famous villa in Truccazzano with photovoltaic”. Ordinary people, however, must use the infamous columnand, according to Parodi, it is necessary “first of all find it, that it is free, that it works, hope that it is fast chargingor otherwise take out the sudoku”, and then we also want to put i charging costs?

QThe issue of prices is another crusade launched by him Parods always via Instagram. From rising costs, in the shadow of excise duties, which now seems to be more of a security than anything else. “The cost per kWh now – Parodi always states – is high, you get up to zero eight euros per kWh. Furthermore – he continues – with the excise duties arriving. It is clear that you spend much less with a latest generation diesel”. The third point, however, concerns i car price lists electric cars at the dealership: “The cars also cost too much – comments Parodi on Instagram -. Even the cheap ones, like the electric Diacia Spring, costs 21,500 euros, sold among other things with a range of three hundred kilometres, but which in reality – says Roberto – fluctuates between two hundred and two hundred and fifty actual kilometres, i.e. zero. Fiat 500 electric thirty thousand euros, expensive for a car of that range […] if you want one – states the Parods – with acceptable autonomy, you have to cough up forty, forty-five thousand euros”, and on incentives he says that “they have an uncertain future”. In short, to give an overview of the situation, “without controversy – the journalist says again in his video – today if you buy an electric car without a private garage you spend a lot on the car, you waste time charging, you get stressed and what is most important, you will have to change your travel habitsWhy you will be at the service of the machine, not the other way around”. Finally, Parodi always states, constantly changing the car (whether it is electric or not) is “anti ecological”, and, he underlines, “I’m not talking about the ecological devastation of extracting raw materials for batteriesand the subjection to China”. The solution? “Buy a car and use it for forty years – concludes Parodi – it’s the greenest thing you can do”, just like his legendary one Naphthone.

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