Italy 24 Press News

Claudia Sheinbaum wins the presidential elections

The candidate of the progressive platform (MORENA, Pvem and Pt), Claudia Sheinbaumit will be the next one president of Mexicoaccording to quick counting published by the National Electoral Institute which shows a figure between 58.3% and 60.7% of the votes. The gap with its main rival, Xóchitl Gálvez which represents a coalition of center and center-right parties, is more than 25 percent.

This is an official statistical procedure designed with the aim of estimating the trend of the final voting results and the percentage of citizen participation. The result of the rapid count must be confirmed by the stripped of the cardswhich should be completed late Monday.

Claudia Sheinbaum is the candidate of MORAINEthe party of the outgoing president Andrés Manuel López Obrador. She will be proclaimed president, with a mandate of six years which will begin on October 1st.

Sheinbaum is 61 years old, aenergy engineer he was born in’former mayor of Mexico City where she was elected in 2017 with a program based on two main points: increasing the environmental sustainability of a city known as one of the most polluted in the world and fighting the violence of criminal groups. Sheinbaum also served on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of the UN, the main international scientific body for assessing climate change.

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