Italy 24 Press News

“Republic Day is the day to remember the values ​​of democracy”

We receive and publish. The values ​​of democracy, the collapse of the fascist dictatorship and the recognition of the right to vote for women, but also an inevitable reference to the conflicts taking place in Ukraine and the Middle East and the looming risk that we may be one step away from a third world War. These were some of the topics addressed by the mayor of Santa Marinella Pietro Tidei during his speech at the ceremony to commemorate the 78th anniversary of the birth of the Italian Republic. As always, the celebrations for the 2nd June celebrations took place in front of the War Memorial in the presence of the military and civil authorities, representatives of voluntary associations and citizens and were enlivened by the notes of the Uniti per la Musica musical band. After placing a laurel wreath at the foot of the stele in memory of all those killed in the war, the Parish Priest Don Salvatore Rizzo offered a prayer followed by a minute of reflection for all those present.

“Today marks the 78th anniversary of the birth of the Republic, 78 years since the referendum of June 1946: the first political elections in Italy after the collapse of the fascist dictatorship, the choice of the republican form of government and the granting of the right to vote to women . Three events that have marked the future of this Italy of ours which has always believed in democracy and fought for those priceless values ​​which are respect, legality, equal opportunities, the protection of minorities and the care of the weakest”. In his speech, Mayor Tidei also wanted to thank Bishop Ruzza who, since his inauguration, he recalled, has set up democratic tables with the local administrations to examine the critical issues and to find the synergy necessary for good administration, to combat violence and school dropout, the distancing of young people from the civil community, in encouraging dialogue and participation. “I believe that Republic Day is precisely this – concluded the mayor – the day in which Italians feel their belonging to the Nation and recognize the importance of the values ​​of democracy, a day in which to understand that we are all, something, required to do, for democracy, to set an example. It is the day of the women and men of the Constituent Assembly, of their foresight, of the courage with which they were able to seek and find the points of synthesis to create a free country that the Italians, throughout history, have defended and continue to defend”. Mayor Pietro Tidei.

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