Italy 24 Press News

Game Day, over a thousand young people and children out and about in Pomigliano

POMIGLIANO d’ARCO – The children and adolescents of Pomigliano d’Arco reclaimed their city today with the second edition of “Game Day” which was held in the streets of the towns, between Piazza Mercato, Piazza Giovanni Leone and Piazza Municipio and in which they includes all nursery, primary and secondary schools in the area. A day dedicated to children and play who were also able to rediscover the games of the past.

Since 9 this morning, at least two thousand children and teenagers have invaded the city streets, accompanied by adults and who have been able to carry out the dozens of activities organized for the occasion and which have animated this initiative which will be held every year, on third Wednesday of the month. Both the traders and the merchants of Pomigliano contributed to the success of this event by wanting to collaborate actively with great availability. The title of this edition is “Playing Together”, because this is the International Year of the Family, and taking inspiration from this anniversary, we wanted to introduce an initiative that involves play between children and adults. Workshops are included that recall the past, but which are a stimulus for the creative potential of the children, who were able to give vent to their talents in the setting of a city closed to vehicular traffic, free from smog and entirely at their disposal. «Pomigliano – underlines the Councilor for Commerce of Pomigliano d’Arco, Marianna Manna – is a united community dedicated to education.

Let’s commit to rebuilding relationships and giving the right importance to the game. The Raffaele Russo municipal administration firmly believes in this initiative which highlights the value of gaming. And it is essential that every year there is collaboration from everyone, schools, institutions, associations and traders, all together to make Game Day a great collective event, spreading the culture of gaming to improve the quality of life for everyone.” Many primary and secondary schools took part in this initiative. «The schools participated with great enthusiasm – recalls the councilor for Public Education, Giovanni Russo – Play is fundamental for the well-being of children. A city that is truly attentive to its small citizens must promote their growth through specific initiatives and make itself increasingly suited to their needs.”

The inauguration ceremony in Piazza Giovanni Leone opened with the Mameli Hymn played and sung by the students of the Sulmona-Catullo-Salesiane Comprehensive Institute of Pomigliano d’Arco. The deputy mayor of Pomigliano d’Arco, Domenico Leone, then officially inaugurated the “Game Day” by pronouncing the opening statement. «The second edition of Game Day – explains the deputy mayor – once again gave us a thousand emotions: thousands of children, educators, operators and entertainers rediscovering childhood games, the simplest but most significant ones. A successful initiative that fills us with pride.”

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