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Excavation, tanks and cycle/pedestrian walkway: criticism of the post-flood works in Senigallia – News Senigallia – CentroPagina

The cycle/pedestrian walkway in Senigallia

SENIGALLIA – The progress of the works for the safety of the territory devastated by the flood of the Misa and Nevola rivers in September 2022 continues to be discussed. Among the issues on which the Democratic Party returns to attack the center right and mayor Olivetti after some declarations on Radio Duomo Senigallia there is the excavation of the canal, the expansion tanks and the cycle/pedestrian walkway which is mitigating the inconveniences linked to the demolition of the Garibaldi bridge.

«On the extremely urgent works of cleaning of the riverbed – Giovanni Margiotta, secretary of the Pd Senigallia 3 club, and Dario Romano, leader of the Pd group in the city council intervene in the public debate – the mayor let himself go in a comment about the cleaning work on the riverbed, effectively contradicting what until now the commissioner structure and the local right wanted us to believe, declaring that, although the interventions increase the safety of some areas of our municipality, “today we have a river that has become a highway (…) but we need to see how it reacts the part of the city center because that water arrives in a certain quantity even under the city bridges and I think that section has not changed compared to before””. In essence, the mayor admitted that what has been done so far may not have solved Senigallia’s problems, on the contrary, if anything, it may have increased them in some areas where the speed and intensity of the river current could create dangers and inconveniences.

Then there is the question of expansion tanks, for which work is still at a standstill. Only one area is at the center of a construction project, but it has been blocked for months and in any case it will have to see an immediate expansion because in fact it would not be sufficient to reduce the floods in the city center. Just as the other three (two in the planning phase and one still in the study phase) which will have to be built upstream of Senigallia would not be enough. On this second aspect, the two Dem representatives explain that the mayor “reaffirmed what we as the Democratic Party, together with our entire coalition, have been saying for some time: to secure our city we need large expansion funds upstream”.

The third factor that brought new criticism to the mayor is related to cycle/pedestrian walkway. «As far as the breatha bridge is concerned, we discover that it could be removed even in the absence of the new Garibaldi bridge, the planning of which is taking a long time to arrive. A worrying aspect is that, in the extreme urgency, for the installation of the walkway, its positioning was probably not correctly assessed, since the underlying part descends below the masonry embankments within which the river would flow in the event of a flood. What is in fact an exception to safety was justified by the temporary nature of the walkway which is destined to be removed. But who takes responsibility for the potential risk?”. Statements which, according to the PD, raise serious questions regarding the management of the safety of the historic center in the event of a flood. «His admission regarding the situation of the Misa riverbed and the cycle/pedestrian walkway highlights a lack of clarity and coordination in the actions taken to protect the city from floods. A transparent and responsible approach in managing these issues is essential, with a priority focus on the safety of the population. In this context, it is crucial that Mayor Olivetti and the institutions involved act with determination and transparency to guarantee the protection and well-being of the community” conclude Margiotta and Romano.

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