Italy 24 Press News

Belluno, condolences for the death of Gianmarco Zanchetta

Belluno mourns the death, after a short illness, of Gianmarco Zanchetta, which occurred on May 9th at the age of 73. «We are all shocked by the sudden and unexpected passing of our dear friend Gianmarco – the words of Davide Piol, president of the Belluno Rotary Club, of which Zanchetta was past president and president of the 2022-2023 year – I had the opportunity to get to know him even more in view of the handover between his presidency and mine and I was able to appreciate his qualities of sympathy, vital energy, positivity towards the future and towards action. It is an unbridgeable loss for our Club. We are close to his wife Rosanna and son Alessio in this very difficult and very difficult moment.”

Having graduated as an accountant at the “Calvi” in Belluno, he continued his training with systematic internships at Bocconi, the Catholic University of Milan and the Galgano Group. After an experience in Feltre with the Banca Cattolica, in Belluno he was director of the then Antonveneta and of the Banca Popolare of the province of Belluno. He then worked for a long time in the world of cooperative credit banks in Friuli, where he was also managing director of the Friuli regional finance company. Passionate about horse riding, he was captain of the 7th Alpini.

Numerous messages of condolence from Club members upon hearing the sad news. «As secretary of the Club during his presidency – the memory of Adriano Barcelloni Corte – I had the opportunity to get to know him better and to appreciate his optimism, his proactiveness and his great humanity», «Gianmarco was a true Rotarian – the words of Angelo Paganin, past president – sensitive to the needs of our community and always attentive to an ethical approach even in his profession as a banking and financial consultant. He believed in the entrepreneurial and creative spirit of people. During his presidency he promoted various initiatives aimed at teamwork and friendship, with the involvement of the families of Rotarians” and again “Determined, spirited and smiling in every hour of his life” Francesca De Biasi remembers him, “What a great pain – the words of Patrizia Pedone, past president – ​​a friend with whom I shared many Rotarian, work and personal experiences”. Not least the past president, Maurizio Paniz: «There are people who mark an era in their community by radiating their image outside through success and the recognition of such esteem: Gianmarco conquered Veneto and Friuli with professional commitment extraordinary, which everyone appreciated; he leaves us, incredulous, in the silence of a premature death.”

«A serious and appreciated professional, a concrete man who knew how to make himself available to the area, as a financial consultant but above all as president of the Rotary Club and as an active person in the associative world». The president of the Province of Belluno, Roberto Padrin, writes it. «With him, together with the Bellunesi in the World, we organized one of the editions of the “Bellunesi who honor the province in Italy and in the world” award. And I was able to appreciate the vision of a man who had foresight and a spirit of service. A heartfelt thought from the entire Provincial Council goes to his family and loved ones.”

A note of condolence also came from the president of the Bellunesi nel Mondo Association, Oscar De Bona: «The premature death of Gianmarco Zanchetta saddens us deeply. He was a person with extraordinary organizational skills and a great communicator, always with a smile. Zanchetta also collaborated directly with our Association for several years by editing an economic column in the magazine “Bellunesi nel mondo”. I had the pleasure of actively collaborating with him on the occasion of the 2022 edition of the international award “Bellunians who honor the province of Belluno in Italy and abroad” in his capacity as president of the Belluno Rotary Club. We are close to his wife Rosanna and son Alessio.”

A moment of prayer will take place on Monday 13 May, at 11.00 am, in the “De Dea Gelisio” funeral home in via Sarajevo, 1 in Belluno. The Belluno Rotary Club will be present.

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