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10-month-old girl dies after ingesting bleach in Noto: the prosecutor opens an investigation

A 10-month-old girl died after ingesting bleach in Noto, in the province of Syracuse. The tragedy would have occurred this afternoon, Thursday 9 May. The little girl lived with her family. The Prosecutor’s Office has opened an investigation into the case, the investigations are being conducted by the Carabinieri.

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A 10 month old baby girl dies after ingesting some bleach to Known, in the province of Syracuse. The tragedy would have occurred this afternoon, Thursday 9 Mayor. As local newspapers report, the little girl lived with her family; her mother and two little brothers were in her apartment at the time of the incident.

The Syracuse Prosecutor’s Office on the death of the little girl opened an investigation, while the investigations were entrusted to the men of the Carabinieri who received, around 4.45 pm, a report sent from the emergency room, where the little girl had been transported. Chances are she’s already there unconscious and that immediately afterwards his little heart would stop beating.

At the moment it is not yet clearexact dynamics of the accident: It is not yet known how the little girl could have consumed the bleach. According to an initial reconstruction, which investigators are currently working on, it could be the little girl fall into a bucket full of liquid.

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As mentioned, it comes though just a hypothesisi, subsequent investigations will confirm or deny it. Meanwhile, the Carabinieri quickly went to the family home where the little girl’s mother is, in a state of shock for what happened, along with her other children.

“A mourning for the whole city. We are awaiting the evolution of the investigators’ investigations: it is a great pain for all of us and as a father I mourn this loss that creates a great empty”, says the mayor of Noto, Corrado Figura.

A similar case had occurred on July 18, 2022 Bariwhere a 6 year old child he had ingested some bleach mistaking it for water while he was at home with his mother. She was died a few months lateron 17 September, at the Giovanni XXIII pediatric hospital, where the child, resident in Francavilla Fontana, in the province of Brindisi, had been transferred immediately after the accident.

The child’s mother, a 41-year-old woman, after realizing what had happened, in panic, attempted to suicide throwing himself from the third floor building where he lived with the child. Also in this case the Prosecutor’s Office had opened an investigation file against the mother, who was under investigation for manslaughterfollowing the complaint presented by the child’s family.

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