Italy 24 Press News

Berlin, fire in a factory: danger due to toxic cloud

It’s a toxic cloud risk. The firefighters said this after a fire suddenly broke out in a factory in Berlin, in the southwestern district of Lichterfelde. “We can confirm that chemicals are also burning in the building. Sulfuric acid and copper cyanide are stored there. There is a risk that hydrogen cyanide will form and then rise into the air with smoke,” he explained to the newspaper German Bild Adrian Wenzel, a spokesperson for the capital’s fire brigade. There are 160 firefighters on duty who have sent home students and teachers from the surrounding schools and are making the surrounding area safe.

The fire

As reported by the Bild newspaper, this is the company “Diehl Metal Applications” which operates its own galvanic plant for finishing the metal surfaces of the building. The company also develops the IRIS-T air defense system, currently in service in Ukraine. “The building is now burning completely on four floors. A part (…) has already collapsed. We are only extinguishing from the outside. It is no longer possible to control the fire from the inside”, specified the spokesman for the fire brigade. fire. The firefighters alerted the population via app and advised them to avoid the area around the company, close windows and doors and turn off ventilation and air conditioning. Meanwhile, the municipality of Berlin has issued an official danger warning advising people to avoid the area. Shops next to the factory were temporarily closed.

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