Italy 24 Press News

«Every day there are still too many accidents»

“There is a lack of safety culture, there is a lack of a law that condemns those responsible for murder at work, the actions of some unions are missing.” Three years have passed since Luana D’Orazio, a 22-year-old worker with a 5-year-old son, died after being dragged from the (tampered with) warping machine of the factory where she worked, in Montemurlo (Prato). Luana’s mother, Emma Marrazzostarted from that day a battle on all fronts to obtain justice, truth and above all awareness: «My daughter’s death must become a symbol», the woman has always repeated.

What happened to her daughter on May 3, 2021 should have triggered a reflection, a response from the institutions, but this process is slow to materialize.

“Many die every day, all workers like my daughter,” he says.

Justice: the two procedures

On the morning of May 3, three years ago, Luana had been working for a few minutes when the machinery she was assigned to – the reports showed – dragged her into its gears, killing her. The reconstructions carried out by the prosecutor’s office then demonstrated that the necessary precautions to avoid that type of accident had been removed from the machineryjust to have greater productivity.

Three people ended up in the crosshairs of justice: Luana Coppiniowner of the company where the fatal accident occurred, her husband Daniele Faggide facto owner of the company, and the company’s external maintainer Mario Cusimano. All were accused of manslaughter and malicious removal of cautions accident prevention. The first two, owners of the company, settled in October 2022: 2 years of imprisonment for Coppini, one year and six months for Faggi. However, both sentences include conditional suspension: they are both free and the company in recent years he never stopped working.

Cusimano he instead chose the ordinary procedure and the trial against him has been ongoing in recent months.

The proposed law for homicide at work

At the moment, the crime of murder at work does not exist in Italy. In 2023, 1041 reports of deaths of this type were received by INAIL. So Emma Marrazzo, Luana’s mother, continues her battle to try to change things and on April 30th she went to Rome to deliver a petition, of which she is the first signatory, to the president of the Senate. The signed petition is added to the bill presented on March 29 by M5S senator Luca Pirondini.

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