Italy 24 Press News

Merate: A wall collapses in Villa Belgioioso Park

A wall collapses in Villa Belgioioso Park. Amara discovered this morning, Thursday 2 May 2024 at the Parco del Cannocchiale del Belgioioso in Merate: a portion of the wall that delimits the green area on the east side collapsed during the night, probably due to the incessant rain that fell.

A wall collapses in Villa Belgioioso Park

The episode, which occurred on the night between Wednesday 1st and Thursday 2nd May, effectively created a potentially dangerous situation which led the municipal administration to fence off the entire area with a white-red tape to prevent onlookers from approaching until the necessary checks are not carried out on the part of the wall still standing.

Citizen reporting

According to what was possible to learn, the incident was reported by some citizens who, late in the morning, discovered the collapse of the wall as well as the metal fence, with its fixing posts. Local police officers and municipal technicians then intervened on site for an inspection through which it was decided to fence off the area.

At the moment the park is open to the public but it cannot be ruled out that, to allow the necessary checks and to make the area safe, some restrictive access measures could be opted for, especially given the discreet daily passage of people.

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