Italy 24 Press News

Weather alert, severe bad weather on May 1st: risk of flooding in the North


It’s a strong May 1st bad weather throughout Italy. Torrential rains are hitting the Piedmontespecially the Turin area, where they have already fallen 103mm in Prali, 82mm in Balme, 66mm in Piamprato, 64mm in Malciaussia. She’s pouring too Turin. Water levels are rising rapidly across the Region, where it will continue to rain torrentially for another two days and the risk of flooding is high. Heavy rain also in Sardinia with 43mm in Orosei (Nuoro), 38mm in Monte Longu (Dorgali), but the bad weather is generally affecting all of Italy.

The heaviest rainfall is in the North/West and in the central Tyrrhenian regions, as illustrated by weather radar:

The satellite images also highlight the cloud cover, which is particularly widespread almost everywhere with the exception of Puglia where in fact it is still hot with +26°C in Barletta and Molfetta e +25°C in Bari, Lecce and Brindisi:

Also pay attention to thunderstorms, which are affecting the Tyrrhenian Sea moving towards Lazio and Campania:

In the next few hours the bad weather will intensify, also extending to the North/East and Puglia, while in the afternoon-evening we will see a slight improvement in Sardinia. High risk of tornadoes on the Tyrrhenian coasts.

But rains and storms will continue to hit Italy tomorrow and in the following days.

To monitor the situation as best as possible weather forecast in real time, below we provide a list of pages with all the useful information to follow the meteorological nowcasting minute by minute:

Below are the links for direct access to the pages with the weather forecasts, particularly accurate in detail, for the geographical areas of Italy (links can also always be reached from the menu at the top of all pages of the site):

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