Italy 24 Press News

Golden suite for mafia bosses destined for Uta

Toto Riina, ‘u Curtu, dead and buried. Bernardo Provenzano, Binnu ‘u sheep tracks, passed away. Matteo Messina Money, ‘U Siccu, passed away forever, with secrets and mysteries. The guest list was miserably reduced to an epitaph: they failed to inaugurate the “Cayenne” of the mafia bosses on the slopes of Monte Arcosu.


Even he, the last boss of bosses, didn’t make it. The “lord” of Castelvetrano, after the most spartan of captures in a clinic a stone’s throw from home, had even given it a little thought: being the first “customer” of the starred hotel of 41 bis in Uta, the prison city standing between a marsh and the old chimneys of the industrial area of ​​Macchiareddu. Instead, nothing. At the Department of Penitentiary Administration they will have to do without the “godfathers” par excellence. To throw open, after more than fifteen years of delays, the doors of the pavilion dedicated to the bosses of the Mafia, Camorra and ‘Ndrangheta, they will resort to less sensational names, but still capable of weaving criminal networks of all kinds, passing down from generation to generation. , the most brutal techniques of organized crime.


Carlo Nordio, the Magistrate who became Minister of Justice, has been agitating for months: he would like at all costs to slap 92 mafia bosses into that brand new prison to be sent to 41 bis, in theory buried in prison. Theory, indeed. The public warning a few months ago by Nicola Gratteri, Head of the Naples Prosecutor’s Office, about the failure to open the Sardinian prison dedicated to mafia bosses did not put him down. From that moment the Minister who came from the “floating city” was transformed into a “damned”, with the fixation of those shutters closed in that maximum security pavilion, placed on the extreme outskirts of that prison transformed with a blitz into a promiscuous prison : a little desperate, a little high-class criminal. In theory separated by reinforced concrete walls and steel passers-by, but in reality all ready to enroll in the University of organized crime, the most brutal one, with courses inside and above all outside of prison.

No date

In recent days the Minister who wants to revolutionize Justice said it bluntly: we will soon open the pavilion of 41 bis in Uta. Dates, of course, he gave none. His predecessors, when they did it, were crushed without appeal against the wall of bureaucracy, delays and curses. This time, however, the Keeper of the Seals provided a more concrete reference: the 5-star hotel for mafia bosses was tested last February 21st. Nordio doesn’t tell lies: everything is true. When the Superintendent of public works for Lazio, Abruzzo and Sardinia, Vittorio Rapisarda Federico, signs the testing decree, it is time for lunch. What he signs, however, is a more than indigestible act, given the content, the chronology of the facts and above all the final “payment” of that operation which began in the year of our Lord 2009, to be concluded according to the peremptory contractual obligation after six hundred days of “forced” labor.

15 years of delays

A date was even set for the first mafia bosses to ferry them to that countryside, first transformed into an industrial wasteland and then a penitentiary village: 25 June 2011. The failure was first an avalanche and then an uncontainable avalanche. The enterprise blew up, in the unsuccessful sense of the term, as did the mission to transform the entire island into a real “Cayenne” of State where to dump, as if Sardinia had been transformed into a real landfill of organized crime, that of the highest level. The punishment inflicted on those walls, which remained abandoned for more than fifteen years, is a media pillory, with many Ministers on a perpetual pilgrimage, always with notebooks and state cameras in tow. They will fail miserably, regardless of color and side. To glimpse a glimmer of hope, a collective “Covid” is needed.

The last feint

It’s February 2020, when work restarts just for a moment. They will stop immediately afterwards due to the obligation to wear masks and the escape of infections. The administrative collapse occurred three years later, when once the work was finished they couldn’t even find an engineer available to certify those golden “suites” in the middle of the Macchiareddu countryside. Finally, one arrives from Rome. On January 30 of the current year, the technical-administrative testing is signed and the final expense is announced: for those cells without windows, all reinforced concrete and locks, a whopping 17 million and 127 thousand euros have been spent.

186 thousand euros each

The calculation is quickly done. Barring further twists and turns, 92 new “bosses of bosses” will end up in that gray and grated hell. No discrimination based on “belonging”, it doesn’t matter if the origin is “Sacra Corona Unita”, Camorra, Mafia or ‘Ndrangheta. A simple calculation is enough to understand that each of those “ravines” cost the State an exorbitant sum of 186 thousand euros per “guest”. The stuff of a golden suite, in a desolate land, destined to become the ” Sardinian hideout of organized crime, inside and above all outside those armored walls.

184 41bis on the Island

Good or bad luck will send to the island, this time on the southern side, after the 92 of the Bancali prison in Sassari, a substantial part of the 778 inmates recipients of the 41 bis regime: 242 Camorra members, 195 exponents of the ‘Ndrangheta, 232 of the Sicilian Cosa Nostra, and twenty of the Sacra Corona Unita. In Sardinia, if those announced in recent days by Nordio himself ever arrive in Cagliari, there will be a total of 184 mafia leaders to which must be added over 500 maximum security prisoners, between Massama in Oristano and Nuchis in Tempio, including “colonels ” of the foreground, former 41 bis “degraded” and various followers still busy climbing the heights of organized crime.

Criminal misfortune

With the operation announced in recent days by the number one of the Ministry of Justice, the circle will be closed: Sardinia will be definitively transformed into a real state dump for the worst organized crime. This time the metropolitan area of ​​Cagliari and the south of the island will be hit by this criminal “disaster”. A devastating turning point in a context already disastrous with petty crime, let alone high-class crime. A potential criminologist who clashes with a fugitive and uncaring state.

Prisons discovered

Just think of the staffing plan of the Uta prison which includes 421 officers, while, instead, there are just 311. As many as 110 are missing, with all that entails. A prison-hell in its own right, in terms of safety first and foremost: with officers forced to work with the fear of imminent and daily aggression. Here punches, kicks and headbutts are the order of the day in the 15 sections of the prison city of Uta. What is more serious is the indifferent silence of the Sardinian institutions, which stand by despite the daily complaints from the Sardinian magistrates who never stop warning about the very dangerous risk of infiltration into the already tested economic and social fabric of the island. Every year, for years, every Attorney General of Sardinia has not stopped warning about the serious risk of mafia infiltration linked to the large “circus” inside and outside prisons linked to organized crime.

Relatives & followers

A coming and going of close and collateral relatives, entire families, acolytes and attendants of the criminal organization who end up settling a stone’s throw from the prison, precisely so as not to give in to separation from the boss. Nordio doesn’t care. Nor did he read the intimate and profound words as a testament of his colleague, Judge Claudio Lo Curto, one of the magistrates closest to Borsellino and Falcone. In 2017, shortly before his death, the Judge, former acting Attorney General of Cagliari, did not mince his words: «With the 41 bis relatives will arrive, even five or six, and then other people, who will always be different. They will arrive ten or fifteen days early and leave even ten days later. The time needed to monitor the terrain and make friends and contacts. They will make themselves known, they will launder money, they will grant loans at usurious rates, and perhaps, following the creditor’s inability to pay, they will take over the company.”

Testament for memory

«These mafia bosses – said the Judge – will need to find apartments a stone’s throw from the prison. The objective will be twofold, to communicate with the leaders of the leaders and translate the messages into actions, including the occupation of new territories. Receiving “pizzini” from the bosses behind bars, seeing with a single gesture, with an uncodifiable facial expression, messages that few or no one will be able to translate. In Sardinia – he explained – we will witness a phenomenon in many ways similar to that which emerged at era of forced stays, with leading members of organized crime being sent to untouched lands to serve their sentences far from the territory of reference is a huge mistake.”

Sardinia landfill

Now Nordio, the Minister of Venice, to solve the problems in Rome, dumps the last mafia bosses in Sardinia. The golden cells, moreover, are ready. The island is served, for the umpteenth time it will be a state landfill.

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