Tesser fades and Baldini gains ground. But Pescara is still without a coach

Tesser fades and Baldini gains ground. But Pescara is still without a coach
Tesser fades and Baldini gains ground. But Pescara is still without a coach

It seemed that the new course could begin soon, but at home Pescara the road seems to have become decidedly uphill, even if no particular concern is evident on the part of the President Daniel Sebastianiwho spoke today on the sidelines of the presentation of the reopening of the club’s new store: “Navarra? We are working and I hope to close everything quickly because that is my intention – we read on pescarasport24.it -. I proposed the presidency of Pescara to Navarra, I think it’s right this way: I want to step aside gradually, and for this I have not placed vetoes, limits or ultimatums of any kind, but I have put forward feasible and common-sense proposals. I believe that if you want to close you can do it without problems. Otherwise we will continue as has been happening for years now. We will set up a dignified and competitive team as we have always done. Tesser? He is simply not within our reach, we must be honest. If a coach earns as much as he does, he cannot come to Pescara”.

And here comes the crucial point, that of the bench: Attilio Tesser has in fact faded awayhe, who was the first choice. Which now forces the club to veer elsewhere, even though the timing is actually very far apart and the start of the retreat is set for July 15th. The name that has gained a lot of traction is that of Silvio Baldini, with whom the club seems to have already spoken, in an attempt to close the deal within a couple of days; Fabio Casertawho the club also likes, seems close to Salernitana, and would still like to keep Serie B. The Ledian Memushaj option is only residual, while Andrea Chiappella is now confirmed at Giana Erminio: almost impossible surprises in this sense.

So, the days that will be experienced in Abruzzo are definitely hot, in an attempt to unravel a skein that now seems decidedly very knotted…

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