“A process heavily looming over politics”, the defense has its say on the Titoli Case

“A process heavily looming over politics”, the defense has its say on the Titoli Case
“A process heavily looming over politics”, the defense has its say on the Titoli Case

“A process over which politics hangs heavily”. The day after the requests for conviction by the public prosecution, defined as “disproportionate” by the defense team, during the marathon hearing that opened the dance of the speeches, the lawyers went on the counterattack determined to rebalance the narrative. “It is painful to see the rights of the defense trampled on for us Italian criminal lawyers” the difficulty in adapting to the Sammarinese code is the premise of the lawyer of Lorenzo Savorelli, former director of BCSM for whom the Prosecutor’s Office has requested 8 years of imprisonment. But the lawyer does more than ask for acquittal. He points the finger at a political attitude that first “called economic excellences to heal the San Marino system close to collapse, as later certified by the AQR, but then fired them, investigated them and put them on trial in a sort of retaliatory mechanism, due to the success of the work itself.” He recalls that to commit a crime you need a reason if not a motive, he retraces the threads from the Asset affair to the Titoli case to conclude “that the measures adopted fell within the scope of the functions of a general manager.

“Those who had brought liquidity to the system were accused of a coup d’état,” echoes the defense of Filippo Siotto, former Central Bank official, for which the Fiscal Prosecutor’s Office has requested 6 years and 6 months. “the Demeter operation was a system operation, necessary, transparent, used by all central banks, the only one that would have guaranteed the necessary liquidity in a State that was about to fail” He does not renounce a ‘dig’ to the many witnesses who during the trial have “belatedly” distanced themselves from the measures adopted by Savorelli & Co, he asks for the acquittal of his client and hopes that the trial abandons the judicial rhetoric and returns to law. The lawyer of also insists on the passing of the buck Francesco Confuorti, the Lucanian financier for whom the Fiscal Prosecutor’s Office has requested the highest sentence, 11 years. And he does so by recalling his professional stature and the connection with San Marino, started in 2006 and which therefore had passed through many governments. He then retraces the various threads of the story, from the issue of securities “he had a profit but the real advantage would have been obtained by keeping them” to the revelation of official secrets “he worked for the government and was entitled to have access to the information”. Strange therefore – the defense of the accused underline once again – that despite a familiarity certified by numerous emails with the governments of San Marino, some “excellent” witnesses have distanced themselves.

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