history, why it is celebrated

history, why it is celebrated
history, why it is celebrated

Fireworks, giant barbecues and patriotic songs are just some of the key elements of the celebrations of 4th Julythe day in which every self-respecting US citizen celebrates the most important event of the year after the Super Bowl. Few peoples like the Americans demonstrate such a patriotic spirit, a legacy linked to colonial history and the very first attempts to draft truly libertarian constitutions, which left citizens the possibility of choosing for themselves, without any restrictions whatsoever. The subsequent events of the United States would reveal a reality that was truly more complex than that, but the fact remains that the independence Day still today, for millions of people, it represents a date to mark on the calendar with a red pen.

The origin

You can’t talk about July 4th without a bit of historical context. The territory of the current United States (and nearby Canada) began to be colonized by the English and French starting in 1500, with increasingly frequent expeditions that, once they reached 1700, generated the first British colonies, from which everything started. These areas, overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, however, began to show increasing hostility towards the mother country over time, which was preventing the colonists from trading as they would have liked (the case of tea is famous) and had begun to raise taxes more and more. England also tried to seek mediation, but it was all in vain: from here, in 1775, the war of independence broke out which in 1776 would have led to the declaration of independence of the United States of America, issued on July 4th also thanks to the contribution of the famous Thomas Jefferson.

A new era

With the victory over the British oppressor, the American colonists finally had the opportunity to make their own decisions, and thus began, little by little, the discovery of the Wild West. Year after year, a massive exploration of areas further and further west began, first in the gigantic hinterland and then towards the coast. Driven also by the search for gold and other precious materials, this historical period is remembered for the bloody clashes against the indigenous populations, forced by the threat of rifles to retreat and greatly limit their areas of influence. It is no coincidence, on the other hand, that for a significant portion of the US population (especially Generation Z) the entirecolonial era represented a serious stain as the trigger for the extermination of peoples whose only crime was to have found themselves on the path of power-hungry colonists. This first phase of the United States, among other things, was also marked by the bloody war of secessionwhich saw the Northern states clash with the Southern ones on the issue of slavery. The Northern victory in 1865 would lead to the insertion of an amendment in the Constitution that abolished the inhuman practice throughout the US; despite this, unfortunately, even today in many areas of the South there exists a rather deep-rooted racism, linked precisely to this type of colonial legacy.

How to celebrate July 4th

The event, which is very heartfelt, is an opportunity for meeting and celebrating like many others, made of sharing and conviviality. It is a federal holidayso all the main offices remain closed. Green light more than ever to waving the American flagalso called Stars and stripes, where they are drawn thirteen red lines (to represent the thirteen US colonies from which it all started) and 50 digit corresponding to the 50 federal states of the territory (the last two to be added were Alaska and Hawaii). Although no particular clothing is required, the best way to pay homage to the homeland is to wear at least one of the three colors that symbolize it: the rosso in fact it represents strength and courage, the bianco is the symbol of purity and innocence, while the blu remember the values ​​of perseverance and justice. For the rest, beyond lunches and dinners in company, the beauty of the 4th of July consists above all in positioning oneself in a suitable place to enjoy the spectacular pyrotechnic effects that the authorities put together every year for the event. Nothing prevents parades from being organized in the streets with the traditional town band or even larger events, such as concerts or sports matches.

July 4th in Popular Culture

Since it is such an emotionally charged day, it is no wonder that July 4 has become part of the American imagination thanks to Hollywood. There is an entire film dedicated to the occasion, ‘Born on the fourth of July‘ starring Tom Cruise. But even science fiction has had a field day talking about the 4th of July: just think of the blockbuster ‘Independence day‘, where the United States (and the entire world) are facing a terrifying alien threat right on the occasion of the national holiday. The American artist Kelis, known for being one of the queens of R&B, even dedicated a song to this day “4th of July”, included in his penultimate album ‘Flesh Tone’, a record with a strong house and electropop sound.

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