4 million euro financing for Viale Isonzo

4 million euro financing for Viale Isonzo
4 million euro financing for Viale Isonzo

The extraordinary commissioner of Aterp Calabria, Grazia Maria Carmela Ianninireceived the mayor of Catanzaro Nicola Floweredaccompanied by regional councilor Antonello Talericofor a survey on public housing policies in the regional capital.

During the meeting, it is written in a note, «some administrative issues have been addressed, such as the collection of the IMU tax by the Municipality, which constitutes a significant financial obstacle for Aterp Calabria and which compromises the possibility of using important resources for ordinary and extraordinary maintenance interventions precisely for the Municipalities». The issue, of national importance, is at the center of the debate and of parliamentary initiatives also through the commitment of Federcasa, with the intent to completely cancel the tax burden on the specialized public housing bodies, given the value and the “social” destination of the public building assets managed by the Housing Companies; in the meantime, the action undertaken by Aterp is aimed at obtaining tax relief/recalculations by widening the range of exemptions starting from the payment of the tax in the presence of illegal occupations. The two Administrations, in a technical capacity, will study the issue in depth to manage the administrative procedure within the framework of a strengthening of institutional collaboration.

During the meeting, the note continues, “particular problems related to urgent emergency housing measures, in the process of being definitively resolved, were addressed and the need for a strong fight against illegal occupations was recognized and the common will to involve all the institutions to increase the quality and efficiency of services in public housing settlements in the City of Catanzaro was reiterated, with particular attention to the neighborhoods most exposed to criminal infiltration. In this regard, great satisfaction was expressed for the definitive concession, with a specific
decree, of the financing of over 4 million euros, obtained by Aterp Calabria through the National Housing Construction Plan and which will concern interventions in the area of ​​Viale Isonzo, to which other significant resources will be added later, always for the southern area of ​​Catanzaro».

«The collaboration with the Municipality of Catanzaro has found, even today, a positive confirmation – stated the extraordinary commissioner of Aterp at the end of the meeting – and will have further moments of development with the involvement of the
administrative and technical structures of the two Administrations”. Floweredfor his part, highlighted «the institutional availability of Aterp Calabria with which we are in daily contact for the solution of problems that are not always easy and that very often require the assistance of other institutions. For this reason too, my efforts have been, since my inauguration, directed towards strengthening inter-institutional agreements as an indispensable and permanent tool for solving the problems concerning the public housing districts in our City”.

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