Sales Agents: You Can’t Win Alone

Sales Agents: You Can’t Win Alone
Sales Agents: You Can’t Win Alone

Article-interview with the President of FNAARC Agents – National Federation of Associations of Commercial Agents and Representatives Alberto Petranzan published in the bimonthly magazine Commercio C&C.

Arriving prepared for the renewal of the collective economic agreements of Commercial Agents and Representatives is one of the objectives of Agenti FNAARC. With its 110 territorial associations, the Federation
It is proposed as a perfect model of Associationism, which places the fundamental figure of the Commercial Agent and its evolution at the centre.
We talked about it with Alberto Petranzan, President of Agenti FNAARC.

What are the main reasons why an agent should join?
Associationism is important, it responds to multiple objectives. On the one hand, the agent finds a series of important services, aimed at solving transversal problems, as well as those related to the territory, provided in a timely, specific and economic manner. On the other hand, with the membership fee, which all in all is very low, it helps an organization like FNAARC to protect the interests of the category at institutional and non-institutional venues and, consequently, also individuals. Just think of the fundamental role that the Association plays in regulating the relationships between the principal and the agent by defining the collective agreement. I repeat: participation is important, also and above all now that our profession, like many others, has changed so much.

What is the history and activity of Agenti FNAARC?

Thanks to a long experience of representation and activities in support of the category, our Association, for over 70 years, has provided solutions to Agents and Representatives in carrying out their activity and in relations with the Principals. Our role, as I have already said, is expressed in going to discuss and define the national reference contract that regulates the relations with the principal, but not only. With us the agent finds legal, organizational, fiscal, social security support, just to name a few services, in addition to information on everything of interest to the category.

How is the category of agents configured today?
It is a category that is anything but young. The average age is around fifty. It is difficult to get young people to approach this type of activity, not so much because the role does not have its attractions, but because the sending houses do not sufficiently support the entry of new blood.

What are the main difficulties?
The young person has difficulty in supporting the entry costs: mobility, social security, tax pressure, etc. The Mandants should reflect deeply on this. The role of the sales agent is fundamental, both as promotion in the territory and as actual monitoring of the same. If this link in the chain is missing, the flow is interrupted. From our point of view, we try as much as possible to support young people starting from the monitoring and verification of the employment contract that is proposed to them. Unfortunately, many of them are not prepared for this type of attention and would risk making fatal mistakes.

And couldn’t e-commerce replace, if not entirely, at least partially, the role of the agent?
Not enough. Ecommerce, it is true that it acts as a showcase, but it will never ever replace the role of the sales agent. The numbers also say so. Although growing, through this channel, with the due difference between the various product sectors, no more than 20% of the global turnover of companies passes. The world of Ecommerce presents itself as a large container in which everyone is looking for the most convenient price. The sales agent, on the other hand, guarantees stability and constant growth.

How has the figure of the Agent changed over the years?
Just recall it. Before he visited customers with a briefcase, now he has a tablet. Order collection is more streamlined and faster, but the human relationship, which is what matters, has remained the central point. Order collection is only part of the tasks delegated to the sales agent. The agent is entrusted with the control of his territory, marketing and promotion of the product. The role has become more complex. Consequently, the relationship with the principal has also become closer and more continuous.

What are the most useful services you offer to young people?
In addition to the aforementioned support during the contract phase, we try to make them understand that they are about to embark on a path for which they will become entrepreneurs of themselves, with all that this entails. For this reason, we invite them to come to our offices even just for a chat that serves as a clarifying moment for them.

Speaking of training, on which fronts do you intervene?
On many fronts. From language study, to computer practice, to marketing analysis, through dedicated courses, which see the commitment of highly qualified teachers at very low costs thanks to our support activities. In this regard, we requested and obtained a non-repayable contribution for the training of our agents at Enasarco.

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