“Kissing Gorbachev”, screening at the cinema and meeting with the author Roberto Zinzi

“Kissing Gorbachev”, screening at the cinema and meeting with the author Roberto Zinzi
“Kissing Gorbachev”, screening at the cinema and meeting with the author Roberto Zinzi

It arrives at the cinema for the first time in Latina “Kissing Gorbaciov” by Andrea Paco Mariani and Luigi D’Alife, the documentary that reunited CCCP Fedeli alla Linea on the occasion of their 40th anniversary, travelling to hundreds of dates throughout Italy.

For the summer festival Lievito Cinema Estate, the film will be at the Arena Cinema Corso (Corso della Repubblica 148) on Tuesday 9 July at 9:30 pm. The author Roberto Zinzi will be present, who will talk with the artistic director Renato Chiocca. The film is a SMK Factory production, in collaboration with AAMOD – Archivio audiovisivo del movimento operaio e democratico, and is distributed by OpenDDB.


It all starts in Salento, in Melpignano, in 1988: some Soviet rock bands play for the first time beyond the Iron Curtain, “the first official landing of the new Russian musical army”. With them on stage also Italian bands, including CCCP Fedeli alla Linea. From here begins an 8-day journey between Moscow and Leningrad: the incredible story of a tour between two Worlds that would never be the same again. Before the fall of the wall, the last bridge built with punk, through the testimonies of the direct protagonists, the stories, the unpublished and exclusive archives and the reconstruction of those incredible days.

Gorbachev had been elected in March 1985 as president of the CPSU and, at the dawn of the next fall of the Berlin Wall, we found ourselves in a moment in which both History and the stories of those on stage were changing forever: the festival was immediately called “The Ides of March”. From the then arid lands of Salento, a bizarre Italian delegation, including CCCP and Litfiba, boarding a rickety “Aeroflot”, arrived to perform in the Soviet Union in two concerts.

The documentary covers more than 3,500 km between Melpignano and St. Petersburg, passing through the red Emilia and Moscow. From memories and archive material, the step to the living voice and the story of those who were there is short and necessary. In “Kissing Gorbaciov” the protagonists, and special guests, are the CCCP – Fedeli alla Linea reunited after many years with their historic lineup, with Giovanni Lindo Ferretti, Massimo Zamboni, Annarella Guidici and Danilo Fatur, as well as the organizers of that crazy journey from Puglia to Moscow, namely Antonio Princigalli and Sergio Blasi (creator of the Notte della Taranta in Salento). Again, among others, the artists of the time who performed on stage in Melpignano will appear, such as some of the Soviet bands who participated in the project and the Italians RATS, Wilko Zanni and Gabriele “Pedro” Pedrini, and Mista & Missis.


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