Palermo, investigations into Onorato’s death: the latest news

July 02, 2024, 12:46

2 min of reading

PALERMO – On the plastic band found tight around Angelo Onorato’s neck there is only DNA of the entrepreneur and of those who tried to help him.

A further piece of the investigative evidence that would confirm the hypothesis of the suicide of the entrepreneur found dead on May 25th. It was inside an SUV parked on the street that runs alongside Via Ugo La Malfa.

The autopsy had already revealed that the architect and owner of the “Casa” shop on Viale Strasburgo he did not try to react to a possible strangulation. There were no wounds on his body, other than the stranglehold on his neck. No wounds or abrasions that would indicate a struggle.

The results of the tests on the many fingerprints are now missing from the roll call found in the back seat of the car and toxicology tests.

In the meantime, the motive is still being investigated. Why would Onorato have taken his own life? Something must have happened that shocked him the morning of the tragic act.

Shortly before, he had sent an audio message to reassure a friend. He would have sent one of his workers to fix the baseboards in his house. He hadn’t forgotten to do it, but he was busy with a thousand things to do.

The tone of voice was calm. No words of discouragement, no signs of nervousness. On the contrary, “a “see you later” which did not predict the gesture.

What happened next? The answer may be in your cell phone and tablet. Onorato, husband of MEP Francesca Donato, may have received a message that shocked him.

Investigators from the Homicide section of the Flying Squad, coordinated by Deputy Prosecutor Ennio Petrigni, are analyzing the memory of the electronic devices. Some files had been deleted but officers recovered them.

Was Onorato threatened or under blackmail by someone? He had not confided in his closest friends or his family.

Only to a friend and lawyer, two days before dying, he had delivered a letter in a sealed envelope and written in February to be given to his wife “if something happens to me.”

Leggi qui tutte le notizie di Palermo

Published on

July 02, 2024, 12:46

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