Urgent need to protect confiscated assets»

Urgent need to protect confiscated assets»
Urgent need to protect confiscated assets»

The CGIL of Reggio Calabria expresses deep solidarity with the parish community of Gioiosa Ionica for the serious episode of theft and vandalism that hit the oratory parish between the morning of June 29th and today – declares Gregorio Pititto General Secretary -. The removal of twelve window frames, a photocopier and a leather chair, together with the damage to the external fence, represents a vile and deplorable act.

It is important to underline that the oratory is located in a property confiscated from organized crime. This fact – continues Pititto – makes it even more the incident is more serious and draws attention on the need for greater vigilance and protection for confiscated assets, especially when these are assigned to entities that operate for the good of the community.

We join in the grief of the parish priest, Don Francesco Antonio Passarelli, and of the entire community of the Diocese of Locri-Gerace, led by Bishop Francesco Oliva. We trust in the work of the Carabinieri and in justice so that episodes of this kind never happen again. We invite everyone to demonstrate their solidarity and closeness, contributing to overcoming this sad event with unity and mutual support.

The CGIL of Reggio Calabria, – concludes Pititto – reiterates its commitment to supporting the community of Gioiosa Ionica and all the areas affected by acts of vandalism and crime, and draws attention to the importance of adequately protecting confiscated assets.

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