“We want to enhance the lands hit by the flood”

“We want to enhance the lands hit by the flood”
“We want to enhance the lands hit by the flood”

The Tramonto DiVino tour has started. It did so in Modigliana, a symbolic location hit by the flood a year ago but far from sunk thanks to the tenacity of its producers to start again. Before the public event hosted at the Mercato Coperto, the start of the tour was preceded by a reflection on wine in Emilia-Romagna together with some protagonists of the sector, including the regional Councilor for Agriculture Alessio Mammi.

The first to speak was Luciano Ferraro, leading wine writer for Corriere della Sera. The journalist talked about the initiative by Cairo Editore that raised 5 million euros to support some reconstruction projects in the region, one of which was the Ca’ Stronchino bridge in Modigliana. Ferraro then broadened his gaze to the regional wine scene: “Wine is not just a drink but a container of stories and cultures. The story of Modigliana is emblematic in its narrative since it has made its diversity its identifying element, stronger than adversity”. A reflection shared by the mayor of Modigliana, Jader Dardi, in his opening greeting: “We have had 6,962 landslides, while 480 buildings are in proximity to difficult situations. Although ours is in some respects heroic agriculture, our producers have not bowed in the face of what happened”.

Closeness to Modigliana was expressed by the Councilor for Agriculture of the Emilia-Romagna Region, Alessio Mammi, who strongly wanted this stage: “Also this year the path that we will take in the various stages will lead to the valorization of the wines of all the provinces from Piacenza to Rimini, wines of the highest quality that will be accompanied by the food excellences that our Region is rich in. A combination, that with our PDO and PGI that makes it clear how Emilia-Romagna is fully the Food Valley of the Country. This first appointment in Modigliana, which anticipates the subsequent stages, takes on a particular value, because it represents the Region’s desire to enhance these lands so severely affected by the floods of May 2023. Here the desire to start again is strong, despite the fact that last year many productions were destroyed due to landslides, and we want to continue to be there to accompany this restart”. Francesco Bordini brought greetings from Enoteca Regionale Emilia Romagna, while Adolfo Treggiari and Giulio Balsarin those of Ais Romagna and Emilia. Maurizio Magni of Agenzia PrimaPagina presented the seven stages of the Tramonto DiVino tour, with the next appointment on July 19 in Milano Marittima.

Also present at the event was Sandro Camilli, national president of Ais (Italian Sommelier Association): “Emilia Romagna has done an extraordinary job, here there is a structural strength in the people that must be an example for the world of wine. The producers of the Apennines are the custodians of territories that are not simple and for this reason they must be supported in several directions. A commitment that we at Ais take on very willingly”. Giorgio Melandri spoke for the Stella dell’Appennino Association, which brings together the producers of Modigliana: “The Emilia Romagna of wine has many souls and certainly the most important is popular. Bringing wine to the squares means giving voice to this character and bringing those who come from outside closer to a story that has modern values, quality for all and respect for the environment. Tramonto di vino has been doing it for nineteen years with passion”.

Finally, Cristina Mercuri, candidate for the Master Wine, one of the most prestigious international wine awards (there are less than 500 in the world). The wine educator, as she likes to call herself, has taken a snapshot of the strengths and weaknesses of regional wine. “The strengths are the size (240 km of territory and 53 thousand hectares of vineyards), the volumes (third national producer) and the richness of its diversity (soils, native vines, altitudes). The points that need to be worked on are the average price that is too low and communication”. According to Mercuri, faced with a generalized drop in consumption, it is on generations Z and Millennials that we need to invest energy and resources. And this is what Tramonto DiVino has been doing for 19 years, on its tour that promotes wine and typical products in the squares and in cities of art and the sea.

Sunset DiVino Tour 2024

There are seven stages in the 2024 edition. After the solidarity stage in Modigliana, the proceeds of which will be donated to charity in favor of the affected territories, in mid-July the tour lands on the Riviera with the Craft Gin Fest – Novebolle Lounge, an event designed for the Preview (July 19) in Milano Marittima where certified regional foods duet with a selection of artisanal Gins from all over Italy, with a particular focus on regional Gins and Spirits curated by Enoteca Emilia-Romagna. At the MiMa preview there will also be a lot of space for wine with the presentation, in Rotonda Primo Maggio, of Novebolle Lounge, the collective brand created for the Romagna bubbles by the Consorzio Vini di Romagna in parallel with the new Doc ‘Romagna Spumante’, in prestigious combination with oysters from the Breton coast.

Next up is ‘Tramonto DiVino in Villa’, a new stop that will feature Riccione della dolcevita on 26 July with a special setup in the park of Villa Mussolini, a prestigious venue located between the city centre and the sea. A particularly eagerly awaited stop, desired not only by the Adriatic Municipality but also by the local Hoteliers Association, which will bring hotel guests to Tramonto DiVino for an unforgettable experience of Emilia-Romagna food and wine. Guests of honour for the stop will be Parmigiano Reggiano Dop, which will present the ritual of opening the wheel by hand, and the best of Emilia Romagna’s Metodo Classico bubbles directly from the Premio Regionale Ais, which has been crowning the best Spumante wines from Emilia Romagna for 10 years. The historic stop in Cesenatico, in Piazza spose Marinai, scheduled for Friday 2 August, will conclude the Riviera route. Making the stage unique, set up between the sea and the Leonardo port, is the presence of Omar Casali, chef of the Association of starred chefs of Emilia-Romagna ‘ChefToChef’, partner of Tramonto DiVino, who will take care of spectacularizing with his creativity the great regional products of the consortia partners of the event.

After the August break, the Tramonto DiVino caravan moves to Emilia for the September 6th stop in Scandiano (Reggio Emilia), land of Lambrusco and Spergola where the splendid Rocca del Boiardo will be the suggestive backdrop for tastings and samples. On September 11th it is the turn of Ferrara which will host one of the gourmet stops of Tramonto DiVino with the extraordinary participation of chef Adalberto Athos Migliari, chef of the ‘ChefToChef’ Association. The event will be held in Piazza Municipale, co-organized with the local Strada dei vini e dei sapori. Guests of honor for the stop will be Olio Evo di Brisighella Dop and the international wines of the Concorso Mondiale di Bruxelles, a prestigious partner of Tramonto di Vino. The tour will close in Piacenza, the last Emilian city on the Via Emilia, which on Saturday September 14th will host Tramonto DiVino under the arcades of the prestigious Palazzo Gotico in Piazza Cavalli. The guest of honor of the stage will be Grana Padano Dop, which will duet with the best regional wines, acting as a delicious forerunner to the other Dop and Igp products of Emilia Romagna, always available for tasting at Tramonto DiVino.

For some stages there is the possibility of pre-sale (already active) of entrance tickets: https://shop.emiliaromagnavini.it/

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