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High prices, real estate market in the balance but the situation could change

High prices, real estate market in the balance but the situation could change
High prices, real estate market in the balance but the situation could change

Il high prices hit the real estate market with a consequent decrease in sales. This was revealed by a survey conducted by Corriere della Sera which, through, shows the price statistics in eight Italian cities, confirming the downward trend of the market in line with what happened in 2023.

The capital city most affected by the price increases is Milan, in particular areas such as Ripamonti – Vigentino due to the construction of the future Olympic village that will be built there. Following, albeit to a lesser extent, is Rome with house price increases more content. The increase in supply and the green house directive, which enters a market with a low energy classification, give hope for a significant drop in costs.

High prices in Milan

The real estate market trend is clear. There was a -7.2% decrease in sales nationwide in the first quarter, -6.9% in Rome and a whopping -13.2% in Milan. In the Lombardy capital, for an 80 square meter apartment the cost to spend is 432 thousand euros, an amount 3.1% higher than in 2023. Coming to pay the monthly mortgage equal to 1,404 euro, 36 euros more. The situation is worse for rents according to which an average apartment has a cost of 1,864 euros per month, therefore requiring at least a salary of 4,000 euros. Among the most expensive areas of Milan recorded are also, Napoli Soderini with an increase of +6.8% and the inevitable historic center, Garibaldi, Moscova, Porta Nuova, Arco della Pace and finally Arena, Pagano.

High prices: other cities

In the capital of Italy, the increases that have occurred are more limited. The price of an average mortgage has increased by 1.3% compared to 2023. With areas hit to a greater extent including Bologna, Policlinico with a 10.4% increase and the historic center where they are needed for purchase of 100 square meters, 634 thousand euros and a rent of 2,060 euros per month, +114 euros compared to 2023. The areas that require greater expenditure are Aventino, Caracalla, Parioli and Flaminio. In Turin, Naples and Genoa the situation is the same. The increase in costs ranges from 3.9% for the Piedmontese capital, 4.2% for the Neapolitan city and with great surprise, after years of falling prices now the Ligurian capital is recovering with +3%.


The conditions for a change to occur are there, with a consequent reduction in prices. Like the increase in houses put up for sale, which increased by +3% in the last quarter and 2 laws, the decree saves the house and the community directive green house. According to which, with this latest regulation, each member state of the European Union must guarantee a reduction in energy consumption in the building sector of 16% with a deadline of 2030 and 20% by 2035. These premises give us hope given that, according to a study conducted by, in response 2.5 million owners would prefer to sell rather than convert the energy system in line with the new directive.

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