Stork Wounded by Gunshot Treated in Magenta and Released in Ticino Park

MAGENTA – And young white stork was released in recent days in the Ticino Park (in the picture) where for a few months he received the loving care of the LIPU volunteers. On April 10th the stork was rescued by the Carabinieri Forestali Nucleus of Lodi in Cervignano d’Adda and admitted to the Lipu “La Fagiana” Wildlife Recovery Center in Pontevecchio di Magenta. The X-ray revealed a fracture to the right radius and a penetrating wound to the neck with tracheal involvement, both caused by a firearm.

Pulici: «The care of the LIPU volunteers was decisive»

«The success of the white stork’s healing – explains Stefania Puliciresponsible for the Crfs Lipu of Magenta – was possible thanks to the commitment of the staff and the precious care of the volunteers of the Centre, who They worked tirelessly throughout the entire hospital staya. This liberation represents a restitution to nature, in particular to the Ticino Park, of an extraordinary creature brutally shot. Thanks to all those who have dedicated themselves to this recovery, the stork can now fly free again.”

The stork remained hospitalized at the center for almost three months, one of which with a containment bandage to keep the right wing at rest. The Crfs veterinarians also anesthetized the animal to perform a tracheoscopyaimed at surgical cleaning of the skin lesion on the neck.

Monno: «Moments of great emotion»

Per Francesca Monnocouncilor of the Ticino Park, «the collaboration between the Park and the Crfs Lipu “La Fagiana” is not only technically effective for wildlife conservationbut it also reserves moments of great emotion for technicians and administrators. There was emotion in the last few days, when we had the opportunity to share the release of a young white stork, operated and cared for by expert hands at the Center. A special thanks also goes to the Carabinieri Forestali of Lodi (in the photo abovewith Francesca Monno, the president of the Park Christina Chiappathe director Claudio de Paola and the volunteers of Lipu d Magenta) who recovered and transferred the injured animal to Fagiana. The storkprotected species in Europe from the Birds Directive, is of interest for the territory of the protected area, but in this case it also takes on a symbolic value that we particularly appreciate on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Ticino Park”.

Mobile phone antennas in Magenta, “no to political exploitation”

magenta stork ticino park – MALPENSA24


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