France, PM Giorgia Meloni: united right wins

France, PM Giorgia Meloni: united right wins
France, PM Giorgia Meloni: united right wins

The Prime Minister: Attempts to demonize and corner the people who do not vote for the left

The united right can be a winner, even in France. Even if there are attempts to “demonize and corner the people who do not vote for the left”, which are seen across the Alps as in Italy, persist. Despite having repeatedly repeated that she does not like “those who forcefully enter the elections of allied countries”, and stating that she “always treats the political and electoral dynamics of other nations with respect”, Giorgia Meloni does not hide her satisfaction with the outcome of the first round of the French legislative elections.


A step that could bring the right to government also in Paris, inevitably weakening, as her supporters do not fail to point out, the never-loved Emmanuel Macron. The prime minister, with an extemporaneous statement, congratulates the Rassemblement National (she could have done so in person also with its leader, Marine Le Pen) and with “her allies” for the “clear affirmation” in the first round of the French legislative elections.

Forza Italia and Lega

And if his deputy prime minister, Antonio Tajani, more cautious, looks at the “stability” that Europe needs and says he is ready “to work with any government chosen by French citizens”, the other deputy, Matteo Salvini, is rooting for his ally in Brussels and brands as “crazy” the “extremism” alarm in the face of a movement that is nothing other than “alternative to the left”. The words of the member of the Northern League are for once very similar to those of the leader of Fdi, who also heads another European family, that of the Conservatives. Who could suffer losses if the new group of “patriots” blessed by Salvini were to form.


The Right in the European Union

Even for the reorganization of the Euro-right, we will have to wait for the French runoff elections – ID has postponed the formation of the group to next Monday – which will affect, is the belief of the Melonians, also the game that the leader is playing in Brussels, for the formation of the new commission. In the crosshairs there is always Macron, who together with Olaf Scholz closed the agreement on the encore of von der Leyen without involving Italy and its leader: “The increase in votes on the right, also compared to the recent European elections, should also be read as a resounding rejection of the choices that, with arrogance, are being made in Europe”, points out the group leader in the Chamber Tommaso Foti without explicitly mentioning the tenant of the Elysée.

“Another blow to Macron from the French”, says instead without mincing words the head of the Fdi delegation to the EP, Carlo Fidanza, while the co-president of the Ecr group Nicola Procaccini does not hide “hope and optimism” after the “great affirmation of the Union between Le Pen, Marechal and Ciotti”. A concept that echoes the analysis that Meloni will make shortly after, underlining that “for the first time Le Pen’s party has had allies already from the first round and for the first time it seems to me that even the Républicain are oriented not to participate in the so-called republican front”.

It remains to be seen what impact a possible victory – with relative cohabitation – of the right in France could have on the negotiations for the positions of commissioner in Brussels. Also closely linked to the vote of the European Parliament, which on July 18 will be called to confirm (or not) the choice of a second mandate for the outgoing president. Von der Leyen’s first meeting with the Greens did not go unnoticed in Rome, who immediately reiterated their “never with ECR”, while Forza Italia – housed in the EPP – insists instead, with Tajani, on the need for an opening to the conservatives. And it reiterates that there is “total political and programmatic incompatibility” with the Greens.

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