Swimming the Strait after losing his arms in a work accident

An enterprise to raise awareness of the importance of prevention culture at work. Andrea Lanari from the Marche region, who lost both his arms in 2012, remained crushed under an unprotected press, at 11 today he will tackle the crossing of the Strait together with his son Kevin. The departure is scheduled for 11 from the Pilone of Messina and the arrival at 13 in the Cannitello area (Villa S. Giovanni – Reggio Calabria). The crossing is entitled «Safety conquers the Strait», and is sponsored by the City of Messina and by Anmil (National Association of Mutilated and Invalid Workers).
With them will also be Marco Trillini, an instructor specialized in swimming for people with disabilities and communications manager of the Papa Giovanni XXIII Center in Ancona, and the athlete Lorenzo Carnevalini.

The accident in 2012

It is a unique feat if you consider that Lanari, after a serious accident at work in 2012, had both arms amputated when they were crushed under a press without protection, and will face the sea currents with two forearm prostheses specially made by the Inail Prosthetics Centre in Vigorso di Budrio (Bo).
Taking part in cheering for Andrea and Kevin are associations and organizations such as AS Aurora Messina of the Uici (Italian Union of the Blind and Partially Sighted), Messina Rugby 2016 Asd; Prc Messina (basketball); Asd Olympus PKT; Paladino Karate Kick Boxing; AS Mondo Giovane (volleyball club); Lido La Punta Beach Club of Torre Faro (Me).

Anmil Safety Testimonial

Andrea is an “Anmil Safety Testimonial” and brings his experience to schools and companies throughout Italy, to help people understand the risks that lie in every job and to spread the importance of prevention.
“It will be an important goal not only as a personal challenge – said Andrea Lanari, who is 46 years old, shortly before launching into the enterprise – but also as an opportunity to promote the culture of safety in the workplace that the daily news shows is perceived as a useless frill. Doing the crossing with my son, who was the driving force of the entire hard training path that I faced, is something unique and indescribable on an emotional level, while my daughter Keira, will assist me on board a small boat who will support us throughout the journey, and will give me the strength needed to face this challenge and not waste the long training sessions, first in the pool and then in the sea, that we have been carrying out for about a year”.

Prevention as an antidote to tragedies

«Fighting for safety in the workplace, through the testimonies of victims, especially towards young people, is an objective to which we now dedicate great efforts – declares the National President of Anmil Zoello Forni – so that prevention becomes the recognized antidote by everyone to prevent these tragedies and we are grateful to Andrea, his children and the team that is supporting them, for the great work and determination they have shown up to now”. The occasion is useful to raise funds to help the victims of work with Anmil and for the Papa Giovanni XXIII Center.

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