Mondialpol’s letter to the institutions

Mondialpol’s letter to the institutions
Mondialpol’s letter to the institutions

02 lug 2024 09:50 -
Pasqualino Trubia

Recently, the security company Vedetta 2 Mondialpol addressed an open letter to the Minister of the Interior, Matteo Piantedosi, and Undersecretary Nicola Molteni. The letter was born from the urgency of addressing the consequences of a serious attack suffered last Friday at the headquarters in Sassari. A highly trained paramilitary commando stormed the facility in an action of clear terrorist origin. Fortunately, there were no injuries or victims, thanks to the prompt reaction of the staff, who were able to limit the damage of this extremely dangerous operation. Mondialpol’s letter expresses strong concern and discouragement for the growing insecurity. The authors emphasize that this is not an isolated incident; in recent months there has been a significant increase in attacks on armored vans and attempted robberies, a clear sign of a worsening of the dangerous situation.

Such actions not only directly threaten the lives of security operators, but also put at risk the proper functioning of the national economic system. Despite Mondialpol’s efforts to strengthen security measures with advanced surveillance technologies, the frequency and severity of the attacks indicate that these measures alone are not sufficient to guarantee the necessary protection. Years of requests for greater attention from the institutions have gone unheard, a fact that Mondialpol considers extremely serious, especially in light of the sophistication of recent attacks.

The company calls on the Ministry of the Interior for an urgent meeting to discuss and define concrete strategies for national security. The goal is to protect not only the assets and people involved in the security services, but also to guarantee the free circulation of money, a fundamental element for the functioning of the entire Country System. The letter concludes with a clear warning: without strong responses and concrete actions, Mondialpol could be forced to suspend its services, a move that would have significant consequences for national security and the economy. Mondialpol’s request is a cry of alarm that cannot be ignored. It is essential that the institutions respond promptly to strengthen security and ensure that similar episodes do not happen again, thus ensuring the protection of citizens and the stability of the Italian economic system.

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