arrives in seizure of the body

arrives in seizure of the body
arrives in seizure of the body

Around 2am on Sunday night the parents of Francesco Morriello they arrived at thePolla hospital accompanying the son in serious conditionThe emergency room staff took charge of him but, considering the serious clinical picture, opted for immediate transfer al Cardarelli of Naples. Unfortunately the young resident of Buccino and originally from Auletta yesterday early afternoon is deceased. A tragedy that has shocked the communities of Tanagro.

The salma it’s at provision of the judicial authority because we need to understand what happened to the young high school student the other night. According to what has emerged, the young man was victim of an accident with his scooter, returning home, in the territory of Buccino. His parents found him injured but alert near the house and without waiting for 118, to speed up the process, they took him to the hospital. His presence was reported by some friends with whom he had spent the evening at Sicignano of the Alburni. As far as we know, the Carabinieri or 118 were notified.

Once he arrived at the hospital in Polla, the 16-year-old was urgently transferred in Naples where he died. The police were not alerted at the hospital in Polla either. The latter were therefore aware of the incident from the morning and then in the early afternoon after the death. For now – as the death has arrived in Naples – the first actions are being carried out by the Neapolitan Prosecutor’s Office, then it is assumed that the Salerno police forces will be involved. We will therefore try to reconstruct the dynamics of the road accident, of how, where and when the young man lost control of the scooter. Obviously – in order not to leave out any leads – it will be verified whether the injuries that then led to death are compatible with a fall – from what is known, in a cava – from the scooter.

There will then be time to rebuild everything, now is the time for ache. Of the family, known for owning an agricultural business, and of the communities. Messages of condolence arrived from the mayors of Buccino where the Morriello family resides: «A young life leaves us. Without words, only affection, love and closeness for family and friends. The pain is unacceptable. Goodbye Francesco“, thus the mayor Pasquale Freda. “I have no words, only a deep pain. Another young soul has flown prematurely to heaven, he will always remain in our hearts”, echoes the mayor of Auletta, Anthony Caggiano.

Right in Auletta Francesco had attended school before choosing the scientific high school of Buccino where he attended the third grade.


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