the Municipality cited as civilly responsible in the trial

Il Common has been cited as civil liability in the process where they are 4 managers of the Simu department accused (Infrastructure Development and Urban Maintenance) accused of the accident in which they lost their lives Georgia Anzuini20 years old, and Beatrice Funeral22 years old. The accident, dated July 11, 2022, occurred on the Olympicat the height of the Mosque, due to a lane jump of the Citroen driven by Giorgia. The summons was issued by the preliminary investigations judge in front of whom the case is taking placepreliminary hearing to determine whether or not the defendants should be sent for trial under thecharge of road homicide.

Federica Sabelli also at the hearing

Some of the parents of the two girls were present at the hearing, assisted by the lawyer Silvia Pezzulla. She did not have the strength to assist Giorgia’s mother, Nadia Valentini, who was still too shaken to sustain the proceedings of the hearing. She came to give support for family members of the two girls Federica Sabelliwho lost in that same stretch of the Olimpica in November 2022 brother Giacomo22 years old, also died after jumping lanes. For Giacomo’s death I am 3 Simu executives investigatedThree families, that of Giorgia, Beatrice and Giacomo, marked by a bitter destiny, at least according to the Prosecutor’s Office: theabsence of a guardrail which would have prevented lane switching on this stretch of road.

The unheard reports

As investigators note, in the two investigations That they travel parallel on the death of twenty-year-olds, I am 23 years that the Municipality is aware of the dangerousness of the Olimpica precisely because of the lack of a protective barrier. The first report dates back to April 2001. Since 23 (including the three twenty-year-olds) are the dead due to this deficiency, according to the Prosecutor’s Office. Dozens of injured. According to the PM, the first of the 4 managers responsible for the death of Giorgia and Beatrice is Fabio Pacciani – assisted by the lawyer Franco Merlino and Alessandro Di Giovanni – head of the Simu from 2018 to 2022. The same accusation, for the current director of Simu, Ernesto Dello Vicar. The referral to trial was also requested for Marcello Garau e Andrea Ruggeri. Decisive for the indictment brought by the Prosecutor’s Office was the advice of engineer Mario Scipione, according to whom Giorgia was going 55 miles per hour when she jumped lanes. At that speed, according to the consultant, with the guardrail the two girls would not have crossed into the other lane.

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