A call for the mountains. Funds for those who take up a home in San Casciano dei Bagni

A call for the mountains. Funds for those who take up a home in San Casciano dei Bagni
A call for the mountains. Funds for those who take up a home in San Casciano dei Bagni

Certainly beautiful, not always comfortable, in terms of location but also in terms of number of services (offices, connections with other towns, shops), even if each place has its own story. But also at risk of depopulation also due to an average age destined to grow more and more. A mountain town is a resource but to be a protagonist it needs, first of all, people who live there and, above all, who inhabit it because when people return to a center it is easier for activities, services and associations to arise . In the meantime, a ‘stimulus’ may arrive for those who want to buy a house in these parts.

In fact, the Tuscany Region makes it known that “you can receive up to a contribution of 30 thousand euros to buy a house, if you move to a small mountain municipality, i.e. with less than 5,000 inhabitants”. This is the benefit at the center of the announcement on ‘Residentiality in the mountains 2024’ which has the aim of promoting and encouraging the repopulation and socio-economic revitalization of the Tuscan mountain areas. “With an endowment of 2 million and 800 thousand euros from the Italian Mountain Development Fund (Fosmit), the call is aimed at all Italian citizens or citizens of other European Union countries or non-EU citizens holding a residence permit lasting no less than 10 years. years, who reside in an Italian non-mountain municipality (as such based on the latest official Istat data)” explains a note from the Regional Council. There is time until 1pm on 27 July to submit an application and request the contribution which can range from a minimum of 10 thousand to a maximum of 30 thousand euros and which, in any case, cannot exceed 50% of the total expenses incurred for the costs associated with the purchase of the property and related appurtenances. The list of totally mountain municipalities with a population of less than 5,000 inhabitants in the Siena area includes Castiglione d’Orcia, Monticiano, Radicofani, San Casciano dei Bagni, Radicondoli, Piancastagnaio.

The mayor of San Casciano dei Bagni, Agnese Carletti, explained: “This is an intervention that we have been asking the Tuscany Region for some time and which we welcome with great enthusiasm as it intervenes on the most important problem of our communities, depopulation” .

It is possible to consult the announcement on the Tuscany Region website. The parameters for assigning the score (the maximum is 100) include the number of minor cohabiting children of the applicant and the mountain municipality in which the property was purchased, starting from the date of publication of the notice, or where you declare your intention to purchase the property. motionless.


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