Italy 24 Press News

The armed robbery against the Mondialpol headquarters in Sassari, Sardinia

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Friday evening in Sassari, Sardinia, a group of armed people (at least 20, according to what was written by The New Sardinia) robbed the headquarters of Mondialpol, a private company that manages the security of ports and airports: the members of the group were armed with pistols and automatic rifles, according to the media, and the robbery and escape created great chaos in the city.

The group broke through the enclosure wall using an excavator and, after entering the courtyard of the headquarters and firing some shots into the air to scare the security guards, entered the Mondialpol vault. Also according to local newspapers, the group stole several bags of cash, but the extent of the theft is not yet clear.

The robbers then fled in a van, a white Fiat Ducato. During their escape – but with dynamics that are still not entirely clear – the robbers also set fire to some cars parked on the street, probably to make the chase more difficult. According to local newspapers, they allegedly scattered another stretch of road with nails.

In a video circulating on social media, part of the commando can be seen shooting at a police car that had crossed them. After losing their tracks, the robbers managed to take state road 131 towards Cagliari.

It is not the first time that the Mondialpol vault in Sassari has been attacked in similar ways: in 2016, robbers stole 10 million euros.

Mondialpol is a private security company that deals with surveillance and video surveillance for shops, public bodies and banks, although its specialization is the surveillance of ports and airports.

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