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MotoGP, GP Assen (Holland) 2024: free practice live

Pecco Bagnaia achieved the first time (and a new track record of 1:31.340) in the Assen pre-qualifying sessions. The Ducati rider gained access to Q2 on Saturday together with Vinales, Alex Marquez, Espargaro, Martin, Marc Marquez, Binder, Bastianini, Raul Fernandez and Morbidelli. Quartararo, Bezzecchi, Di Giannantonio and Acosta were forced to pass through Q1 instead. Roberts broke his collarbone in Moto2: he will have to miss the rest of the weekend


First with recordthe Dutch weekend starts very well Pecco Bagnaia. The champion of the Ducati, no longer chases Friday, he puts himself in front and sets the benchmark for the others. He said it at Mugello (“we found better solutions and on Friday we start better”). On the circuit where he won the last two times, Bagnaia is definitely in good shape.

Slower starts for Marquez and Martin

Minus his direct opponents: Marquezless fluid than usual, takes home the sixth time, with a few too many mistakes (his brother Alex was better than him, with the third time). Martin, nervous about a bike that doesn’t respond as he would like, places himself in front of the world champion’s future teammate. Shine instead Vinalesvery fast, and in the end second, just 65 thousandths behind the Ducati number one.

Aprilia is there, Acosta disappoints

The Aprilia they seem to have interpreted the Dutch circuit well; Aleix Espargaro without the crash on the last lap (he was taken off the track in pain from the blow to his coccyx) perhaps he would have even improved the fourth time with which he closed pre-qualification. There Ktm piazza Binder in seventh place, while a disappointing Acosta he even finishes fifteenth and Miller, after the dangerous contact with Martin, who was slow on the track, finishes eighteenth. Well Morbidellitenth, Bezzecchi who had signed the pole in 2023, is instead 8 tenths behind Bagnaia.

Who will be forced to move on from Q1

Twelfth place forces him to go through Q1 on Saturday, together with his teammate, By Giannantonio, thirteenth, despite the good start in the morning. Fallen Bastianinithe Romagnola still enters the top ten, with the eighth time. No Yamaha in the top ten: Quarterly arrived comforted by the innovations developed during the June break, he stopped in eleventh position.


Want to watch MotoGP? All 20 Grand Prix of the 2024 season live exclusively on Sky: free practice, qualifying, sprint race and races


Watch the Dutch Grand Prix on Sky o in streaming su NOW


Adesso per tutti gli approfondimenti e le interviste vi rimandiamo a Sky Sport MotoGP con Paddock Live Show condotto da Vera Spadini, olteché sul nostro sito Piloti di nuovo in pista domattina per le FP2 e le qualifiche, poi la Sprint alle 15

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Pecco Bagnaia è il più veloce nelle pre-qualifiche di Assen col tempo record di 1:31.340: il torinese precede l’Aprilia di Vinales e la Ducati Gresini di Alex Marquez. in Q2 anche Espargaro, Martin, Marc Marquez, Binder, Bastianini, Raul Fernandez e Morbidelli. In Q1 Quartararo (11°), Bezzecchi (12°), Di Giannantonio (13°) e Acosta (15°)


Caduta per Aleix Espargaro, sbalzato dalla sua Aprilia. Dolorante il catalano, che comunque entrerà nei 10 senza problemi 


Ultime cartucce per i piloti, pioggia di caschi rossi e arancioni ad Assen!


Bagnaia è ai box, risparmia la gomma dopo il tempo record. Il Q2 è in cassaforte da diversi minuti


Caduta senza conseguenze per Bastianini: pre-qualifiche finite per Enea, da capire se il suo 1:31.870 basterà per entrare in top 10


Aleix Espargaro sale in classifica e si prende la terza posizione


Che rischio Martin-Miller! Jorge rallenta, Jack non se ne accorge e per poco lo tampona. Per fortuna i due si sfiorano e basta. Pazzesco!


La Ducati di Jorge Martin è piuttosto nervosa, lo spagnolo per ora è nei 10 ma non è esplosivo come sempre. Al momento sarebbero esclusi dai 10 è Bezzecchi, Espargaro, Binder e Morbidelli


Intanto lungo per Pedro Acosta, al momento ottavo, e caduta senza conseguenze per Joan Mir


Ecco Bagnaia, nuovo record della pista in 1:31.340. Si rimette davanti a tutti con Vinales 2° e Bastianini 3°


Vinales si mette in testa in un 1:31.561, ma Bagnaia sta rispondendo. Intanto rischio per Marc Marquez, costretto a ricominciare da capo dopo una brutta imbarcata nell’ultimo settore di pista


Anche Marc Marquez si sta migliorando


Vinales accende due caschi rossi nei primi due settori


Fase di melina tra Di Giannantonio, Marquez e altri piloti con rischio raffreddamento gomme: mancano 14 minuti alla fine del turno

“,”postId”:”e262390a-734b-4c9d-9113-6a4453191865″},{“timestamp”:”2024-06-28T13:50:37.520Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-06-28T15:50:37+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”L’imbarcata precedente di Bastianini”,”social”:{“socialType”:”twitter”,”src”:”

Assen pre-qualifying: 1st Bagnaia 2nd Vinales 3rd A. Marquez

  • Do you want to see MotoGP? All 20 Grands Prix of the 2024 season live exclusively on Sky: free practice, qualifying, sprint races and races
  • Watch the Dutch Grand Prix on Sky o in streaming su NOW

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Now for all the in-depth analysis and interviews we refer you to Sky Sport MotoGP with Paddock Live Show hosted by Vera Spadini, as well as on our website Riders back on track tomorrow morning for FP2 and qualifying, then the Sprint at 3pm


Pre-qualifying times: top 10 already in Q2


Martin and Miller’s near collision. VIDEO


Assen Pre-Qualifying Standings


checkered flag!

Pecco Bagnaia is the fastest in Assen pre-qualifying over time record of 1:31.340: the Turin rider precedes the Aprilia of Vinales and the Ducati Gresini of Alex Marquez. in Q2 also Espargaro, Martin, Marc Marquez, Binder, Bastianini, Raul Fernandez and Morbidelli. In Q1 Quartararo (11th), Bezzecchi (12th), Di Giannantonio (13th) and Acosta (15th)


Fall for Aleix Espargarothrown from his Aprilia. The Catalan is in pain, but will still enter the top 10 without problems


Last cartridges for the riders, rain of red and orange helmets in Assen!


Bagnaia is in the pits, save the tire after the record time. Q2 has been in the safe for several minutes


Fall without consequences for Bastianini: pre-qualifying finished for Enea, it remains to be seen whether his 1:31.870 will be enough to enter the top 10


Aleix Espargaro rises in the rankings and takes third position


That Martin-Miller risk! Jorge slows down, Jack doesn’t notice and almost hits him. Luckily the two just touch each other. Crazy!


The Ducati of Jorge Martin she’s quite nervous, the Spaniard is in the top 10 for now but he’s not as explosive as always. At the moment, Bezzecchi, Espargaro, Binder and Morbidelli would be excluded from the top 10


Meanwhile long for Pedro Acostacurrently eighth, and crashed without consequences for Joan Mir


Ecco Bagnaia, new track record in 1:31.340. He gets back in front of everyone with Vinales 2nd and Bastianini 3rd


Vinales takes the lead in a 1:31.561but Bagnaia is responding. Meanwhile risk for Marc Marquezforced to start over after a bad crash in the last sector of the track


Also Marc Marquez it’s getting better


Vinales lights up two red helmets in the first two sectors


Melina phase between Di Giannantonio, Marquez and other riders with risk of tire cooling: 14 minutes to go until the end of the session


Bastianini’s previous embarkation

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