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After 1700 years, it was found intact: scholars amazed

After 1700 years, archaeologists have found a perfectly intact object that could redefine many theories of the past.

After 1700 years, it was found intact: scholars speechless (

A group of experts A treasure has been found for many centuries in England: specifically, once again, on a historical and cultural level, it represents a symbol of rebirth and life. The very important find which, in fact, has come to light after 1700 years which could reveal the many secrets of ancient history, which is very exciting archaeologists and experts in the sector. In any case, we will see in the future how this type of study will evolve and what information can be extracted from this historical find which, from a first analysis, has great value. Let’s discover together what it is and what its importance is.

Found intact in England: what is it?

In England, buried under a layer of earth that has silently preserved the chronicles of distant eras, a team of experts has made an unprecedented discovery. Near Berryfieldsclose to AylesburyBuckinghamshire, in 2019 a treasure buried for centuries was found: an egg, a symbol of life and rebirth.

Archaeologist at work (

This exceptional discovery, which occurred after 1700 years, included – at first – four eggs in a pit. It must be said, however, that only one survived intact, while the others disintegrated.

The integrity of this single egg has been preserved thanks to the protection offered by water and time. Specifically, it was Dr Steve Leech to guide the recovery process, during which the various secrets present between the layers were revealed.

The characteristics of this egg

Such egg, the oldest of its type and unique for its natural preservation, is also different from the mummified eggs found in Egypt, which were treated with specific methods in order to implement their correct conservation.

The archaeologists of Oxford Archaeology state that the extraordinary condition of this find is not only the result of chance, but also of the historical significance combined with the place of discovery, once used as a brewery which was then transformed into a place of worship by the Romans.

The importance of this egg was further confirmed when Dana Goodburn-Brown Of DGB Conservation at the University of Kent, using micro-CT technology, discovered ancient liquid that was present inside it.

The revelation has aroused great interest among experts, among whom we can include the names of the doctors Douglas Russell And Arianna Bernucci of the Natural History Museum in London, who underlined the uniqueness of this find and the emotion linked to the fact that so many secrets could emerge from these finds, linked to antiquity and history.

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