Italy 24 Press News

A well-known Nintendo leaker reveals his source and closes his account soon after

Anyone who has been following the gaming scene for some time will probably have heard of the leaker known as “Pyoro”who has become something of a celebrity for several well-chosen previews regarding Nintendo: well, the end of the leaker career could have come for the person in question, who closed the social account and deleted most of the old messages, after having revealed the origin of their information.

The issue was exposed by a Bloomberg article, signed by the well-known journalist Jason Schreier, who contacted Pyoro directly to get some information on his modus operandi. The suspicion that the leaker in question could have access to the official contents of the Nintendo website had emerged because almost all the previews reported by the user had to do with games that were already present in the backend of the store before the announcements, although not visible to the public .

The idea was partially confirmed by reports from Pyoro, who claimed that his source works for Nintendo in Japanalthough I’m not sure “how it gets its information”, but that “the backend theory is a reasonable idea”.

Too much lightness?

However, it seems that this information has been given confidentially by the character in question, who reported that he was not aware that they would be included in a public article, which led to Pyoro’s drastic reaction who deleted most of his traces online.

Schreier, for his part, reported that he immediately informed the interlocutor of the fact that he was contacting him for information on an article to write, but in fact the issue became quite heated.

At this point, it is very likely that Pyoro will conclude his activity as an online informant, but there is also curiosity about what could happen to the alleged source of the information within Nintendo Japan, considering how the company is particularly jealous of the confidentiality of its products and internal activities.

Meanwhile, Pyoro appears to have closed his social media accounts and also deleted numerous messages published in recent months, demonstrating a certain panic that emerged after Bloomberg’s revelation.

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