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Whatsapp, are you no longer receiving notifications? So you can solve the problem

The instant messaging app is part of the daily lives of three out of four people around the world. WhatsApp is almost indispensable for those who want to stay connected with their closest contacts, but sometimes it can be invasive. Let’s talk about the infamous notifications, which often arrive on our smartphone. Yet, not receiving them could be a problem: what to do when this doesn’t happen?

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How many times have we used Whatsapp and received notifications over and over again throughout the day? Although they are useful, since thanks to them we understand who has written to us or is looking for us, they are sometimes annoying and invasive. Yet, when we don’t have them, we almost worry. It could be a problem related to the mobile phone or directly to the app: there is now a way to restore notifications when they suddenly disappear.

WhatsApp is the most popular instant messaging app in the world, created in 2009 by two former Yahoo employees, who thanks to their intuition became billionaires. Meta, the company created by Mark Zuckerberg, owner of Facebook, Instagram and now also WhatsApp, bought it for almost 20 billion dollars in 2014, making it the most expensive acquisition in history.

Zuckerberg has brought important innovations to the application, allowing users to use it even from a desktop PC or notebook and since last year making video messages possible. Used by almost 4 billion people around the world, WhatsApp is now the best-known app worldwideand among its features there are naturally notifications, loved and hated at the same time, but which allow us to understand when someone leaves us a message.

Whatsapp, what to do when notifications disappear? The way to restore them

But what to do when notifications suddenly disappear? It’s a big problem, given that WhatsApp is used not only for purely private but also professional reasons, and sometimes the arrival of a message can change people’s lives. Not knowing, therefore, whether we have received a message or not, can be quite an inconvenience.

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Luckily there is a method to reactivate missing notifications. The first thing to do is make sure that the WhatsApp version is the latest one, I did it could affect the arrival of notifications. Secondly, we need to make sure that they are actually enabled on our mobile phone, so we need to go to settings, then notifications and then select the choice relating to WhatsApp, selecting show notifications and show previews, so that they are both active. In this way, it will be almost impossible not to receive them, and we will always be able to be updated on who writes to us and when.

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