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Will Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 be able to relaunch Xbox Game Pass?

Available in the subscription service catalog from day one, Will Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 be able to relaunch Xbox Game Pass? This is the question that almost everyone is asking, but the answer is not as obvious as one might think.

We addressed the issue a few weeks ago, before Microsoft made official the presence of the new episode of the shooter series on Game Pass, thinking about how that choice would have made us understand whether the Redmond house wants to be serious or not.

Many took it for granted: you don’t invest 70 billion dollars to buy a publisher and one of the most successful intellectual properties of all time and then avoid exploiting that strength in your favor, and as we know Xbox’s strategy is closely linked to the idea of ​​Game Pass.

On the other hand, it is still a bet in which Microsoft effectively renounces the huge proceeds that every annual release of Call of Duty also guarantees on Xbox to “give” the game to its subscribers, in the hope that their number will increase significantly.

Make it or brake it

Given that Xbox wants to be serious, at this point we need to understand if Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 will be able to perform the miracle and finally move the numbers of a subscription platform that has been at a standstill for years now.

For the moment we can be optimistic, given the first positive signs after the game’s presentation at the Xbox Games Showcase. The trailer for Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 was in fact the most viewed ever in the history of the series, and this must say something.

The new setting of the Gulf Warthe return of iconic characters such as Woods and Adler, the introduction of many new features also in terms of gameplay and a renewed confidence in the franchise are all elements not to be underestimated for the success of the new chapter.

After that, with the arrival on Game Pass also of all previous Call of Duty episodes – a card that Microsoft will certainly decide to play at the right time – this massive assault will finally be complete.

Only one thing remains to be understood: what will happen if all this isn’t enough? Let’s talk about.

This is an editorial written by a member of the editorial team and is not necessarily representative of the editorial line of

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