Italy 24 Press News

Is the Remaster also in development on PS5? The latest from Tom Warren

Referring to the considerations of the community and the statements of the Xbox team on Microsoft’s multiplatform strategy, journalist Tom Warren believes that the Redmond house is developing ‘in great secrecy’ the remastered version of the first, unforgettable chapter of Halo… also on PS5!

In his latest study dedicated, in fact, to the vision outlined by the Redmond house for the future of its flagship IPs, the editor of The Verge claimed that Microsoft has recently started work on a new version of Halo Combat Evolved with updated graphics and gameplay, a project that should see the light of day PC, Xbox Series X|S and, perhaps, even on PlayStation 5.

The arrival on Sony consoles of Master Chief’s shooter odyssey, moreover, has emerged several times in the discussions started by the community in recent months in light of the multiplatform strategy embraced by Microsoft, consequently it should not be too surprising possible announcement of a Remastered of Halo Combat Evolved destined to also arrive on PlayStation 5.

While waiting for further previews from Tom Warren or a clarification from Microsoft, we remind you that we will follow the Xbox Games Showcase 2024 live on YouTube and Twitch to comment on the announcements that the Redmond house has in store starting from 7 pm :00 Italian on Sunday 9 June.

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