Italy 24 Press News

Why did Garibaldi’s thousand all wear the same red uniform?

Garibaldi is certainly the most important hero of the Italian Risorgimento. In fact, he led his soldiers- the famous Thousand– in his long expedition to Southern Italy, where he wrested, piece by piece, a good part of the peninsula and Sicily from the control of the Bourbons, rulers of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies.

Nicknamed hero of two worldsGaribaldi is also known for choosing the famous red shirts as the official outfit of his expedition, but the historical reasons that pushed him to opt for the color red – the shade that would later be remembered as “Garibaldi Red” – they are quite particular.

Garibaldi chose to dress his soldiers in red starting from his previous military experience, which took place in South America. In fact, here, while he was serving exile, he participated as a young man in the Uruguayan civil war, where he distinguished himself as commander of the Italian Legion of tonnage in Montevideo.

On that occasion, not having much money to clothe the Italian volunteers who arrived in Uruguay to militarily support the Liberal Party of ColoradoGaribaldi opted to use gods common red woolen cloths to make the military clothes of his soldiers.

Originally this wool was supposed to be used to make butchers’ overalls, but due to the conflict Garibaldi approved that it should be used exclusively to dress his men.

This coloration proved to be particularly efficient in battle, as if on one side terrified the enemy, on the other hand, it also prevented him from understanding whether his opponent was injured. Having thus become a revolutionary symbol even before the Risorgimento, the red shirt was used by Garibaldi and other republicans to gather around himself many young people willing and interested in reunifying the country.

However, although Garibaldi continued to wear a red shirt for the entire duration of his life, the Thousand were initially not convinced of its use on the battlefield, fearing that the color red could highlight their position to the enemy.

However, the red shirts began to be worn frequently by the Thousand when it was clear to everyone that they allowed them to obtain a tactical advantage over the enemy and they became the official uniform of the expedition only after the Taken of Palermo, when the city was invaded by cheering citizens who positively praised Garibaldi and his soldiers.

Although this historical period is very fascinating, it is also worth underlining the fact that it is among those least considered by video game developers, including Italian ones, except for certain exceptions which have caused great embarrassment to our institutions.

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