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Do you use this password? Be careful, now there is a law that prohibits it

Do you use this password for your personal accounts? Be careful, now there is a law that prohibits it. Let’s find out all the details and why this seemingly unusual decision was reached. But there is a reason.

Entering password –

The problem of vulnerable and risky passwords that could end up in the crosshairs of hackers able to identify them is really very serious. Also because many users often underestimate the seriousness of the situation by setting some that are really easy to trace, putting theirs at risk personal and sensitive data which could end up in the wrong hands. There has been talk about password security for years now.

And now it seems that the time has come to provide a concrete solution to this risk, considering that reports of identity theft on the web, but above all of scams against users who in some cases have also lost large sums from theirs bank accounts. For this reason, the control authorities are taking important precautionary measures to contain any risk.

Which password to always avoid: one will be banned

In a world now increasingly projected towards digitalisation, the theme of IT security appears to be of primary interest, also for the personal habits of users. Which unfortunately still seem too superficial on a topic of primary importance such as that of personal passwords. In fact, recent studies and analyzes show that the password 1 2 3 4 5 it is still too used, being the easiest for hackers to identify.

Entering password –

In this regard in Great Britain a historic measure has been taken that leads to the definitive banning of this password along with many others, like that one for example 00000 or other similar ones. In short, with a government decree we are trying to put a stop to the negligence of users who, for fear of losing a password, end up using some very vulnerable ones. Most likely other countries will also go in this direction.

Also providing useful information to prevent other problems from occurring later loss of personal data. A first piece of advice that should absolutely be followed when choosing a password is to Always avoid personal connections such as name, surname or dates of birth. After 12345 and other similar ones, in fact, hackers always violate those with easily encryptable personal contents (here we talked about the dangerous SMS scam).

How to choose a secure password

To have a secure password, the advice is always to choose one very longmaybe that alternate uppercase and lowercase and so be it alphanumeric, that is, it contains both numbers and letters without a logical connection that can then be discovered. Another fundamental tool is two-factor authentication, a method that is often used by banking institutions (here we have warned you about the telephone number scam).

And which provides both an absolutely secure password and authentication with a code that arrives via text message or email on another device in order to have greater security when logging in.

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